Congratulations! We had perfect attendance today! Keep it up!
The first thing we did was watch Tamara Lowe's inspirational speech about putting God first in our lives. . In your journal you wrote about the message you personally took from the video. Again, there are no write or wrong answers. We do these mini-journal entries because you will have to develop a skill that allows you to hear/read a prompt and directly following, you must write an essay on said prompt. Think ACT Practice :)
Next we discussed our first major assignment: the Friendly Letter. Reasons for the assignment: #1: so we are no longer strangers and you can feel more comfortable asking questions and participating in class, #2: understand letter writing and when/why we use informal language, #3 understand the 5 basic parts of a friendly letter, #4 use the 6 traits of writing properly.
After we read my letter and you got to know more about me, we discussed the 6 traits within my letter. Next, I showed you the rubric and how you will be graded on this assignment.
This evening, you are to draft your own friendly letter. Please review the rubric below, especially the IDEAS and CONTENT. Make sure your rough draft at least has the mandatory content and 5 parts of a friendly letter.
Also, review the visual showing the 5 parts of the friendly letter.