Today we discussed Chapters 8-9. I collected questions from chapters 6-9 as well as your grammar assignments with corrections.
Tomorrow we have mass and next week we take IOWA tests Monday-Wednesday. This means we will not meet for class until THURSDAY October 7th.
Since we do not meet for so long, I am going to give you some additional reading.
Here is what is what you need prepared for Thursday October 7th:
- Study for Unit 3 vocabulary test. Complete the last section of Unit 3. You will take the test on THURSDAY (10/7)!
- You must read Chapters 10-12 and complete questions 54, 57, 58, 62. We will be discussing these three chapters and I will be collecting the questions on THURSDAY (10/7). Remember: this is not due until Thursday! You can bring your book to mass tomorrow. We are always bused over early; read in the pew before mass starts. Also, bring your book to read to IOWAs. Following each portion, with extra time, you can read! You have a total of 6 evenings (giving you one evening of NO reading) from now until the due date. You did 2 chapters with only two evenings of time to finish it!