- Vocabulary Test Unit 2 completed. You also let me look at your book work to give you credit for completion.
- We discussed the answers to the To Kill A Mockingbird Webquest.
- We watched a short video about the Scottsboro Trials and how they inspired Harper Lee's novel.
- You wrote down all of the information pertaining to the essay questions for Monday's TKM Ch. 1-5 Test. You will choose one of the following topics to write on
- Urban legends: define, discuss how Boo Radley has become an urban legend and how it has affected the characters (Dill, Scout, Jem, Atticus, Boo, and the people of Maycomb County)
- "Walking around in someone else's skin"--the advice Atticus gives Scout. You will need to explain what the quote means in your own words. You will also have describe a scene when, if Scout used this advice, the situation would have worked out differently. You will need to set the scene, tell who was involved, what the outcome was, AND how you THINK it would have turned out differently if she would have used the advice.
Looking Ahead:
Monday: everyone will take the TKM Chapter 1-5 Test
DUE ON TUESDAY: read and complete questions for TKM Chapters 6-7 and Vocab Unit 3 definitions and completing the sentences. (YES! I decided to give you an extra day for the vocab. I am such a nice teacher :)