Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11-30 Class

Today we began by correcting vocabulary and collecting your paragraph work from page 289 from last night's assignment.

Next we discussed the difference between factual statements and opinion statements.  I am still seeing this is a main problem in your TKM papers.  We began a 3 part exercise today and you were responsible for finishing it up and asking individual questions as you went along.

  1. Fact and Opinion Worksheet: Part A (f or o answers only), Part B (your changed answer only), Part C (your letter answer only
  2. Vocabulary---Antonyms, Choosing the Right Word, and Vocabulary in Context.  Remember your test is Thursday!

Monday, November 29, 2010

11-29 Class

While reading rough drafts this weekend I am still seeing areas of weakness in elementary parts of your writing.  Writing cohesive paragraphs with a clear topic sentences and details to support along with creating concise sentences are among these problems.

Today you worked on proofreading work, correcting these types of errors.  (page 289)


Part A:
  1. Compose 2 paragraphs
  2. Delete 2 unnecessary sentences
  3. Reorder for better organization/more logical flow
  4. Add words for better clarity/heighten vocabulary
Part C:
  1. Compose 3 paragraphs
  2. Delete 3 unrelated sentences
  3. & 4. are the same as above
You are also going to complete Vocabulary Unit 9: Definitions, Completing the Sentences, and Synonyms for tomorrow.  Any work you did not finish in class becomes homework.  I will collect/check tomorrow with you in class.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Today you had the entire time to work in the LRC on your rough draft. You also had time to work with the Chomp Chomp grammar on-line exercises/handouts. See the Helpful and Important Link section on the right side of the page or click here:

Homework over Thanksgiving Break:
  • You MUST print out the hand-out for Comma Exercise Number 4  and turn it in on Monday when you return.  You should have 100% because you can do the interactive quiz at the same time that corrects your error if you make one and tells you the correct answer (Interactive Quiz Link:
  • Work through other on-line exercises.  I can BET money that you will see this material on your mid-term!  Please bring any questions you have about any of the exercises so we can talk about them as a class.

Monday, November 22, 2010

11-22 Class

Today you had another opportunity to do some in class writing. I also set up a "Now Serving" list on the board so you could take a number if you had individual questions pertaining to your paper.

In addition to working on your rough draft you also had the option of working on tonight's vocabulary assignment.

  • Vocabulary pgs 76-80 (these sections ONLY: Choosing the Right Meaning, Antonyms, Word Associations, Building Classical Roots)
  • Continue working on your rough draft

  • First we will correct the vocabulary assignment in class.
  • Then we will be heading to the Library for the remainder of the hour so you may use the laptops. There you will be able to type up your rough draft. If you have already started typing your rough draft at home you MUST bring it on a USB or email it to yourself so you can continue this work in the computer lab tomorrow. Your completed rough draft (including 4 citations and MLA heading) is due tomorrow by 3:05 p.m.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

Friday, November 19, 2010

11-19 Class

Today you had the entire hour to begin writing your rough draft, check your introduction over with me to make sure you are moving in the right direction.

I was not pleased with the amount of work that occurred in class today.  Too much talking---too little work.  If Monday is not better, I will not allow in-class writing time.  This means you will have an assignment in class and have to finish the draft at home along with another assignment.  Please come to class Monday more focused.

Homework/Looking Ahead...
Before we head to break your completed rough draft is due (on Tuesday by 3:05 p.m.).  I want a QUALITY, TYPED, 2-3 page rough draft as outlined on the direction sheet.  The same "writing rules" apply as they did with your Animal Farm paper for Mrs. Knudson.  You will have all day Monday and Tuesday to work on your draft in class.

Good Luck on your HS Placement Test!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

11-18 Class

Today we began by correcting vocabulary, a portion for a mastery grade and another portion for an exposure grade.

Next I showed you pages 115-118 in the grammar book as reference pages to help you get started on your introductory paragraph/thesis as well as sketching out an outline.

By TOMORROW you are to have a typed copy of your introduction including a thesis statement as your last sentence in the paragraph.  Under that you can either hand write or type a sketch of an outline.  Important things you need in your outline are what each paragraph will be about and where you quotes/paraphrases will be in your essay.

NEXT TUESDAY you will need to hand in to me a hand written (double lined) or typed (double spaced) draft of your essay.   Follow the directions on your handout explaining the assignment.  I will give you a rubric tomorrow that I will used to grade your final copy.  I will be giving you all hour tomorrow (Friday), Monday, and Tuesday to work on this in class. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11-17 Class (looking at mistakes)

Today we began by correcting Practice  2 of the verb tense shift packet.  I collected it for an exposure grade after.

Next I showed you a slideshow of various errors from student Animal Farm papers.  These were the errors you showed concern about when I gave you the survey last Friday.  In the slideshow we discussed and I showed you ways you could fix them.  I am posting this slideshow to our edline page.

Finally I gave you details about your homework:
  • Vocabulary pgs 46-47 (Choosing the right word and antonyms only), 48 = mastery grade
  • Vocabulary 49-50 for an exposure grade
  • By Friday I expect you to have a typed draft of your introductory paragrah (must include thesis statement as the last sentence as well as mention the author's name and book title).  In addition you must also provide a sketch of an outline for the rest of your paper.  It does not need to be extensive, but I want to be assured you are thinking about the topics of your body paragraphs and you have an idea of where you will support your thesis with evidence from the novel.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11-16 Class

Today we began by:
  • Correcting pages 72-75 in vocabulary
  • Correcting Practice 1 in the Verb Tense Shift packet
Next I handed out your options for the TKM Essay.  I also posted a copy of this on our Edline page.  You must also utilize Mrs. Knudson's picky page as well as I adhere to the same do's and don'ts of writing.

You must write an outline for your essay, so begin thinking what question you feel strongest about.

  • Practice 2 in the Verb Tense Shift packet
  • Decide what essay you would like to write on

Monday, November 15, 2010


Today you had a chance to watch the "To Kill A Mockingbird" finale.

Next we corrected Vocabulary pages 42-45 as a mastery grade.

Then we discussed verb tense shift and did a short lesson on it.

  1. Vocabulary pages 72-75 (mastery grade/due tomorrow)
  2. Finish the verb tense worksheet (we will correct that tomorrow as well)

Friday, November 12, 2010

11-12 Class

Today you took the vocabulary test.  Next you took a survery about the questions you still have about writing a paper.  You were able to look at your Animal Farm paper and reflect on Mrs. Knudson's comments and your final draft. 

  • Vocabulary Pages 42-45.  This is a MASTERY GRADE and we will check it on Monday.  I WILL be looking for right/wrong answers this time; it is not merely an effort grade.
  • Wallwisher DUE MONDAY!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

11-11 Class

Today we corrected parts 5 and 6 of Vocabulary Unit 8. You will have your vocabulary test tomorrow!

Finally, we watched the remainder of "To Kill A Mockingbird".

  • Study for your Vocabulary Unit 8 Test
  • Wallwisher comment due by 7am Monday morning
  • Field Trip Permission Slip due by Nov. 23rd.  (Parent Drivers needed too!)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11-10 Class

Today we corrected Vocabulary parts 1-4.

Next we watch more of "To Kill A Mockingbird".

  • Vocabulary Part 5/6
  • Your vocabulary test will be Friday
  • Since Walllwisher has been having technical difficulties, I have moved the due date until Monday.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

11-9 Class

Today we watched "To Kill A Mockingbird".

  • Complete Vocabulary Unit 8 Part 3/4.We will correct Parts 1-4 tomorrow in class before watching the remainder of the movie.
  • Wallwisher comment due by Friday.  See the blog entry below for directions

Monday, November 8, 2010

11-8 Class

Today you took Unit 7 Vocabulary Test.

Afterwards we watched a little bit more of "To Kill A Mockingbird".

  • Vocabulary Unit 8 parts 1 & 2
  • Wallwisher is due by Friday.  On the right-hand side of this page, under HELPFUL and IMPORTANT LINKS find the one that says Wallwisher.  Click it and it will take you to the wall.  There you will be instructed to double-click the wall and your own post-it will show up.  You must click on the word ANONYMOUS to add your first name and inital of your last name.  On top of the wall is the question you need to answer.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Today we corrected the final portion of Vocabulary for Unit 7.

Next you had the rest of the hour to take the To Kill A Mockingbird test.

  • Study for your Vocabulary Unit 7 test that will be given on Monday
  • Bring your Animal Farm paper to class on Tuesday.  I want you to take a small survey for me and you will need the paper to be able to answer it completely
  • Monday & Tuesday: we will watch "To Kill A Mockingbird" and you will take the writing survey Tuesday
  • Wednesday we will begin some mini-lessons on how to write the paper
  • Thursday more mini-lessons/in-class writing/reseach for the paper
  • Friday more in-class paper writing/time to ask questions as you write

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11-3 Class---Beginning to Watch TKM!

With our shortened hour, today we corrected Vocabulary Unit 7 Parts 3/4 (Synonyms and Antonyms).  We also began watching "To KIll A Mockingbird."

  • Vocabulary parts 5/6 (we will check in class tomorrow)
  • Study for To Kill A Mockingbird test.  25 Multiple Choice, 6 T/F, 9 Quotes/Who said it, 10 points for a short essay

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today you watched my TKM Powerpoint, which I will post to Edline.  With the time remaining, you were able to ask questions about anything concerning the book or your vocabulary test.


  • Tomorrow we will check Vocabulary Unit 7 Part 3/4 and you will begin watching "To Kill A Mockingbird".  We have a shortened period due to NJHS inductions.  For homework you will do Vocabulary Parts 5/6
  • Thursday we will correct Vocabulary Parts 5/6.  You will take your TKM Test.
  • Your Vocabulary Unit 7 Test will be Monday.

11-2 Class

Today you watched my TKM Powerpoint, which I will post to Edline.  With the time remaining, you were able to ask questions about anything concerning the book or your vocabulary test.

  • Tomorrow we will check Vocabulary Unit 7 Part 3/4 and you will begin watching "To Kill A Mockingbird".  We have a shortened period due to NJHS inductions.  For homework you will do Vocabulary Parts 5/6
  • Thursday we will correct Vocabulary Parts 5/6.  You will take your TKM Test.
  • Your Vocabulary Unit 7 Test will be Monday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

11-1 Class

Today we did a few things:
  1. corrected Vocabulary Unit 7 Part 1/2
  2. took a short quiz over Chapters 28-29 TKM
  3. read together the last two chapters of TKM (30 & 31) and finished the book!
  • Look over your study guide questions.  Highlight the ones you still do not understand.  Tomorrow I will be summarizing Chapters 25-29 with you.  Afterward you will have time to ask any questions about the book you may have. 
  • TUESDAY: summarizing Chapters 25-29 with you. Afterward you will have time to ask any questions about the book you may have.   HWK: Vocabulary Part 3/4
  • WEDNESDAY: Begin watching TKM the movie  HWK: Vocabulary 5/6
  • THURSDAY: Take the test covering the entire book HWK: Study for Vocabulary Test to be given Monday