Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Today you had the entire time to work in the LRC on your rough draft. You also had time to work with the Chomp Chomp grammar on-line exercises/handouts. See the Helpful and Important Link section on the right side of the page or click here:

Homework over Thanksgiving Break:
  • You MUST print out the hand-out for Comma Exercise Number 4  and turn it in on Monday when you return.  You should have 100% because you can do the interactive quiz at the same time that corrects your error if you make one and tells you the correct answer (Interactive Quiz Link:
  • Work through other on-line exercises.  I can BET money that you will see this material on your mid-term!  Please bring any questions you have about any of the exercises so we can talk about them as a class.