Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday, March 31st

Today you had a chance to peer edit your work with at least 2 other students. I also came around to check your sources to make sure you had all 4 (1 book and 3 others; see blog entry below). Some of you did an excellent job, while others failed to complete the assignment.
  • BRING ONE NOTECARD FOR EVERY SOURCE YOU HAVE!  Bring your MLA citation book & the handout Mrs. Knudson gave you on citing sources for literature class.
  • Bring your sources!  I will be demo-ing how to create a Works Cited page!  If you have your sources, you can use yours and ask questions as you write!
  • Research your notable person this weekend!  Next week we will be writing this portion of the paper! 
  • Don't forget to email your contact in the field!  Give them as much time as possible to email you back.  If you email them April 13th, do not expect to get a response by April 15th when the paper is due!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wild Web and Word Wednesday

Today we went to the computer lab to design a chart for your research paper.  After you learned how to create the chart in Word, you were able to surf sites with this information.  The sample below is of the example I showed you about the career of photography.

Your chart must have 
  • a title
  • the 4 categories I listed below: average salary, expected job number, degree & number of years in school and three potential colleges you are interested in

When you are finished with your chart, SAVE IT!  After we finish typing the remainder of the report, I will show you how to put it "into" the rest of your research paper document.

  • Bring in draft of the second part of your paper: DEFINE THE CAREER.  If you have the changes made to the first part, PURPOSE/INTRODUCTION, your editor(s) can look over both parts tomorrow!
  • Bring in your 4 sources tomorrow.  
    • For website information, you can simply bring in the websites typed on a sheet of paper and a 1-2 sentences telling me why you are using the site.  For example:
    •  For the hard source, I would like you to have, at the very least, the page with the information needed for your works cited.  Generally, this is the title page.  If you have the entire book or magazine, you are covered!

Quick Bits: Information on Being A Photographer

Average Salary
Expected Job Number
169,500 as of 2018
College Choices
To Study Photography
  1. Salt        
  2.  CCS        
  3. Boston University     
Degree Needed & Number of Years in School

Bachelor of Arts /
4 years of college

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Terrific TUESDAY!


Today you took your last vocabulary test before Spring Break!

Next I passed out the revised version of the Career Paper Assignment Sheet.  The can also be found on our Edline page as I cannot attach word documents to this blog page.  Tentatively the reports will be due April 15th (the day before Spring Break).  Until then we will be hard at work on them.

We had a conversation after your test about "good" interview questions and "bad" interview questions.  Please adhere to the stipulations set forth on the Career Paper Assignment Sheet.

Here is the overhead we discussed.  And you can of course write your own questions.  Keep in mind the 5 questions you ask MUST RELATE TO UNDERSTANDING YOUR CAREER BETTER.  Stay away from trivial questions

It all depends on…
what you want to know?

More about earnings: 
  • It is NOT POLITE to ask a person’s salary directly.   

More about schooling/training needed: 
  • Where did you attend school? 
  • What was your favorite class? 
  • What class most helped you hone your skills in becoming _____? 
  • What was college like? 

More about the job:
  • What is your day-to-day like being a _______?
  • Describe a day going to work from start to finish.
  • What responsibilities do you have at work? 

  • What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
  • What is one of things you are most proud of doing as a ______?
  • If you could have done one thing different in high school, what would it be?
  • What career would you have chosen if you were not a _____?  Why?
When should you email the questions?  AS SOON AS YOU HAVE THEM WRITTEN!  Do not delay!  If you do not do this portion of the report you will lose out on 25 of the 300 points right off the start.  You have plenty of time, but you must begin NOW!

  • Finalize your purpose/intro if you haven't already
  • Your rough draft of Part II (Define the Career) is due Thursday.  We will peer edit Thursday.
  • Come tomorrow to class prepared! If you have the items for the chart we discussed for tomorrow it would be helpful!  "College shop" tonite!  You will also need your MLA handbook for tomorrow as well!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, March 28th

Today we began by discussing peer editing and what we would look for while editing someone's paper.  You then had (2) 15 minute sessions, allowing you to give and receive constructive criticism.

Then we discussed "Define the Career" (the second "leg" of your paper").  A good place to look for information on this is on the website I provided under the "Nature of the Work" section.  You need to describe what the responsibilities would be like for a person in the career and the working conditions.  The rough draft of this portion will be due THIS THURSDAY!  We have Mass on Thursday, so you will be able to use the entire 25 minutes editing and receiving feedback.

  • Finalize your introduction
  • Begin your rough for "Define the Career"
  • Study for your Vocab Unit 4 Test (test is tomorrow)
Tomorrow after the vocab test we will discuss interview questions.  If you do not yet know who you are going to interview talk with me ASAP!!!  I do not know your problems if you do not let me know!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Vocabulary Answers

Here are the answers to Unit 4:
Completing the Sentences:         Synonyms              Choosing the Right Word    
1. anarchy                                     1.fated                       1.reprieve                          
2. absconded                                2.absconded              2. fated                                
3. reprieve                                    3.reviled                     3. daunt                              
4. hoodwink                                  4.access                    4. anarchy                          
5. arduous                                    5.larceny                     5. rectify                            
6. inanimate                                   6.intrepid                    6. disentangle                    
7. precipice                                   7.hoodwinked            7. auspicious
8. incinerated                                 8.reprieve                   8. precipice
9. access                                      9.rectify                      9. larceny
10. larceny                                    10.precipice               10. access
11. fated                                        11.incinerated             11. hoodwinked
12. auspicious                               12.anarchy                   12. biased
13. disentangling                            13.pliant                      13. pompous
14. intrepid                                    14.daunt                     14. absconding
15. reviled                                      15.disentangling          15. intrepid
16. pompous                                 Antonyms                  16. pliant
17. rectify                                      16. pompous               17. arduous
18. pilant                                         17. arduous                18. revile
19. biased                                       18. inanimate              19. inanimate
20. daunted                                   19. biased                     20. incinerate
                                                     20. auspicious

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 24th

Today we spent our 25 minutes in the computer lab researching.  Your total of 4 sources (minimum; YES you may have more!) will be due next Thursday.  You must have one "hard source" (a source other than the internet such as a book, magazine, or pamphlet). 

  • Due Monday: your rough draft of your introduction/purpose.  Must be 300 words minimum, MLA format, typed.
  • Tuesday: Vocab 4 Unit Test (Check here for the answers to the Unit on Friday).
Please look at the Google calendar at the top of the page for a tentative glance at due dates. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday, March 23rd

Today Mrs. Trahan was in speaking on cyber bullying and proper cyber etiquette. 

Although I was not in today, it does not mean you do not have work to continue completing.
CONTINUE RESEARCHING your career!  Continue searching for someone to interview.  If you are having difficulties, feel free to email me at: and let me know the occupation you are researching and I will help as best I can.  I warned you in the beginning to make smart career choices based upon the assignment and what I am requiring of you.  It is not acceptable to not complete a certain portion.   

Important due dates:
DUE MONDAY: Rough draft of your introduction/purpose (300 word min, MLA style, typed).  We will peer edit on Monday so you MUST have it!
Tomorrow we will be going into the computer lab for our shortened class.  (There is Mass tomorrow).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday, March 22nd

Today we spent the day in the computer lab.  Before leaving we discussed:
  • You will need 4 total sources
  • 1 source MUST be a book
  • You may not use Wikipedia or any other wiki as a source
On the right side of my blog is the link to a governmental career site Career Research Link .  This site contains a plentiful amount of information on any career.  This is a great site to get you started and understand more about the career you are choosing, including the on-the-job responsibilities and statistical information like salary and projected job vacancies.

I also discussed trying to make a community contact with someone in the field if you don't already have an idea.  I have put out a few emails myself.  I usually go to various college websites or companies and find contact information.  I start my emails by explaining about our research project and politely asking if they would be interesting in answering 10 questions about their profession.  I leave my email as a way to respond.  You can choose to leave your email or you may leave my email as a way to contact us at school.

Next week we will be preparing the questions in class, so continue the search.  If you have a contact get their information as soon as possible.  We will keep a running list on the board so if someone else also researching your career is having a hard time finding someone, we can share contacts.

Just because we spent the hour in the lab does NOT mean you don't have homework.  CONTINUE RESEARCHING!!!  Also:
DUE MONDAY: Rough draft of your introduction/purpose (300 word min, MLA style, typed).  We will peer edit on Monday so you MUST have it!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, March 21st


Today you began by turning in your "Prayer" assignments.
Next you took your Vocabulary Unit 3 Test.
Finally we discussed how to begin the opening to your essay.
  • "Imagine" statements
  • Powerful statistic or quote
  • The time when you first thought about being a _____.  Use vivid description and details.
  • Make sure the hook is luring!
  1. Rough Draft of Purpose/Introduction/Opening due Monday.  We will peer edit on 3/28
  2. Vocabulary Unit 4 COMPLETED by Thursday.
A Map for This Week:
Monday: See above
Tuesday: Research in the LRC
Wednesday: Mrs. Trahan will be in (unrelated to English).  I will be at the Optimist Speech with the boys.
Thursday: Research in the LRC
Monday: Peer Edit opening/Introduction/Purpose of your paper.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday, March 17th (It's beginning to look more like Spring! YES!)

Today in class we corrected Vocabulary Unit 3 Parts 1-3 together.

Next I handed out your rubric for your pronoun exercises. Your exercises should be stapled together, IN ORDER, with your rubric on the top WHEN YOU ENTER CLASS TOMORROW! Mrs. Trahan will collect them at the beginning of the hour. A note of warning: I have been stressing that you need to be organized when you turn these in! DO NOT MAKE me have to guess where each section starts and ends. LABEL everything properly. You will not receive credit if you do not do this correctly!

Finally, I handed out a comprehensive sheet for your career exploration research paper. I went over it all briefly. DO NOT FREAK OUT! We will be doing each leg of the assignment as to NOT overwhelm you. If you complete each item as I ask, you will not have "too much" and I think you will be very pleased with the outcome!

  • Complete Vocab Parts 4-6.  Mrs. Trahan will go over the answers with you tomorrow.
  • Your pronoun test is tomorrow.  Mrs. Trahan will be administering the test to you in my absence.  The test is ONLY 35 questions.  KNOW: pronouns person, gender, and #; DO, IO, OP in regards to object pronouns; which subject pronoun to use and when; the difference between possessive pronouns and adjectives; identify the antecedent to a pronoun in a sentence; proper use of indefinite pronouns
Weekend Homework:
  • An index card with your name and 3 careers you are interested in researching for your paper.  Put the careers in order of your 1st choice, 2nd choice and then 3rd choice with your name on it.

  • Your "Prayer for ______" assignment.  It is due on Monday.  
    • Powerpoints: you may attach it to an email and send it to or bring in your USB.  Make sure to have a title page and include your 100 word description/purpose for your prayer as the second slide in your show and include the music I would hear on the second slide as well.
    • Videos: submit on a DVD or save it to and email me ( the site address to your video.  You must submit the 100 word description on a typed piece of paper using MLA heading.  At the very bottom of the page include the music I would hear while watching the movie.
    • Storyboard: turn in your storyboard sketch, complete with descriptions of each scene.  Along with this, on a separate typed sheet with MLA heading include the 100 word description/purpose for the prayer (on the bottom of the sheet include the music I would hear). 

  • Study for your Vocabulary Unit 3 Test.  It will be on Monday!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday, March 16th

Today Mrs. Trahan was in working with you while I was at the Optimist Speech.

She corrected the Pronoun Review with you. Then she gave you an opportunity to work on the "Prayer for_____" Project. (See yesterday's blog entry for the details).

I am going to move the test originally planned for tomorrow to FRIDAY! Tomorrow I just realized we have Mass. I would like to afford you more time for the test than the 25 minutes we will have.

CONGRATULATIONS to Sierra Wangler (1st), Delany Benson (2nd), and Abby Rosler (3rd) in the Optimist Speeches today! These ladies really worked hard to perfect their speeches and did a FABULOUS job! KUDOS ladies!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 15th

Today we corrected last night's homework.

Next, I assigned the review due tomorrow:
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.7 and 3.11 ANSWERS ONLY.  Mrs. Trahan will give you the answers tomorrow!  You will turn it in on Thursday when you take the test.

Rubric for Pronoun Assignment Exercises due THURSDAY (the day of the Pronoun test):

Exercises from the
Pronouns Packet
3.1 exercises 1 & 2

3.2 All exercises

3.3 All exercises

3.5 All exercises

3.7 All exercises

3.11 All exercises

Pronoun Review 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.11

Total Points:

Pronouns Packet of Exercises

Name ____________________________________

English _____ Period

**Points will be given for completion, neatness, & thoughtfulness, not necessarily the “correct answer.”  Your effort will carry you far!

Finally, in class, you watched my artist friend Steve's video entitled "Prayer for My City" .  Afterwards we discussed your Prayer for _______ assignment DUE MONDAY.  You MAY choose to work in groups but NO MORE THAN 3 people per group.  Here are the package options you can choose from:

Prayer for _______ Assignment
  1. Option # 1
    • A 4 piece storyboard using this sheet .  On the storyboard include a title for your video "A Prayer For ___________" (you fill in the blank).  For each slide on the storyboard, you must describe what is happening.  (This ensures that you do not have to have the best artistic ability as long as you TRY YOUR BEST and you describe it thoughtfully).  In addition, just as Steve wrote a nice summary of his prayer (why he created it and what he is trying to tell his audience) with his video (watch the video and his description is there to give you some ideas), you will also type a 100 word description of your own.  What should you write in your description?  Here are a few ideas to get you started:  Why did you use these images?  What is your prayer?  What inspired  you to create the prayer?  What are you trying to get across to your audience?  Finally, add what music we would hear while watching your video.
  2. Option #2
    • Make a powerpoint of the images instead of drawing a storyboard.  Your images may be original photographs or ones you have found on (for example) google images.  You still must write the 100 word description (see Option #1) and include the music we would hear if we were watching the video.  (If you are tech savvy, you can put the music on your powerpoint).
  3. Option #3
    • Create a video much like Steve did!  You still need a 100 word description and include the music we would hear (or actually run the music with the video!)
  4. Option #4
    • Something that is not listed here!  You can come up with your own creative endeavor, but you must clear it with me!  I am available anytime  I am fairly flexible as long as you give me a plan!  As always, you must have the 100 word write up and the music that would be heard!
  • Tomorrow (3/16)--Mrs. Trahan will be in (I will be at the Optimist Speeches).  She will correct the review with you!  Make sure it is done!
  • Thursday (3/17)--Pronoun TEST & Vocab Parts 1-3 must be finished!  ALL Pronoun exercises due (see the rubric above)
  • Friday (3/18)--I will be at a Technology Conference in Detroit & Mrs. Trahan will be in.
  • Monday (3/21)--Your Prayer for _______ assignment is due.  You may email it to me or hand it to me, but I MUST have it!  Technical glitches will not get any sympathy with me!  TEST YOUR PROJECT to MAKE SURE I CAN RECEIVE IT!  For each day it is late, your grade will go down significantly.

Monday, March 14, 2011

MARCH 14th (SPringing FOrwARD!)

Today you took Unit 2 Vocabulary Test.

Next we discussed your weekend's homework: antecedents and indefinite pronouns.

  • Finish all problems in 3.7 and 3.11
  • Vocabulary Unit 2 Parts 1-3 (due Thursday)
Looking Ahead:
  • Pronouns Test Thursday
  • Begin Research Papers next week

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday, March 11th

Today we corrected the remaining portion of Unit 2 Vocabulary and 3.3 and 3.5 from the Pronouns unit.

Next I assigned you to read 3.7 and 3.11 and take notes over the weekend.  In addition, complete these TRY THIS Problems:
                 3.7 The first 2 problems from Exercises 1, 2, 3, & 4
                 3.11The first 2 problems from Exercises 1, 2 & 3

Monday you will have Vocabulary Unit 2 Test
Thursday will be your Pronoun test

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 10th (This month is flying BY!!!)

Today we discussed possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives.

Next we corrected 3.1-3.3.  I did not collect any work.  You will be handing in all of your exercises when you take the test.  I will give you a rubric for the unit exercises before the test to make sure you have everything together.

Finish 3.3 exercises.  Answers only to everything EXCEPT exercise 3
Finish 3.5 ALL exercises, answers only to ALL exercises
Vocabulary Parts 4-6 are due tomorrrow.  (TEST MONDAY!)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 9th (Pronouns!)

Today we corrected parts 1-3 of Vocab Unit 2.  Next we discussed the pronouns work that you tried yesterday.

You began to work on tonight's homework:
  • Finish 3.1 Exercises 1 & 2
  • Finish 3.2 Exercises 1, 2 & 3
  • I passed out a new packet for you!  Take notes on Object Pronouns (3.3) and try these: Exercise 1 #1-3, Exercise #2 #1-3, Exe. 3 #1-2, Exe. 4 #1-2
  • Vocabulary Parts 4-6 need to be finished by Friday!  (Tentative test Monday)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 8th

Today you took the adjectives test.

Following the test you began some work with pronouns and picked up work for 3.1 & 3.2.

Take notes in your notebook on 3.1 and 3.2 and then complete these TRY THIS PROBLEMS:
  • page 33 exe. 1 #1-2
  • page 33 exe. 2 #1-2
  • page 34 exe. #1 #1-5
  • page 35 exe. 2 #1-2
  • YOU MUST ALSO COMPLETE UNIT 2 Vocab Parts 1-3 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Monday! March 7th

Today you began class by taking the first unit test for Vocabulary Level D.Next we discussed you adjective review and readied you for the material you will be tested on tomorrow.

The only homework you have is to make sure you are prepared for tomorrow's test!  I will be collecting the adjective work for this unit after you take the test tomorrow.

Friday, March 4, 2011

TGIF! March 4th

Today I was a little late because of the roads.  Thank you for getting to work with Mrs. Warshay here!

When I came in I wrote down notes for you to copy about adjective clauses and phrases.  We did 2.5 aloud together.

2.1--answers only
2.2--answers only
2.3--answers only
2.5--part 1 DO NOT write in commas OR write out the sentences, but follow the other instructions
        part two only tell if it is AP or AC, DO NOT WRITE OUT THE SENTENCE

VOCABULARY test on MONDAY (it will only be 35 questions so we can correct the review

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3rd

Today you took the NEAP Test from 8-9:30 am.  Next you went to an assembly from 9:30-10:30 am.
This means we did not meet for writing today.  See yesterday's entry for the work that is due on Friday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2nd

Today we began by taking your noun unit test.

Following you had a chance to begin your homework due Friday. (Tomorrow we will meet but you will be taking a National test.  It does not affect you in any way; it is a comparative nationwide test.)

  • 2.2---exercises 1 and 2, answers only
  • 2.3---exercise 1 answers only & exercise 2, write out the new sentence (you can use No Change only once)
  • Vocabulary D Unit 1 ALL WORK due Friday  /  We will check it all FRIDAY!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MARCH 1st!!! Where are you Spring?!

Today we began by listening to our final speaker, Eleanor!

Next you took notes to begin our unit on adjectives.

Finally you began your class/homework:
Page 18-19 Exe. 1 & 2 answers only, Exe 3 & 4 write out your creative sentences using the directions
Vocabulary Unit 1 is ALL due on FRIDAY---we will check the entire unit on Friday!


Vocabulary D Unit 1 test MONDAY
Adjectives Test TUESDAY