Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wild Web and Word Wednesday

Today we went to the computer lab to design a chart for your research paper.  After you learned how to create the chart in Word, you were able to surf sites with this information.  The sample below is of the example I showed you about the career of photography.

Your chart must have 
  • a title
  • the 4 categories I listed below: average salary, expected job number, degree & number of years in school and three potential colleges you are interested in

When you are finished with your chart, SAVE IT!  After we finish typing the remainder of the report, I will show you how to put it "into" the rest of your research paper document.

  • Bring in draft of the second part of your paper: DEFINE THE CAREER.  If you have the changes made to the first part, PURPOSE/INTRODUCTION, your editor(s) can look over both parts tomorrow!
  • Bring in your 4 sources tomorrow.  
    • For website information, you can simply bring in the websites typed on a sheet of paper and a 1-2 sentences telling me why you are using the site.  For example:
    •  For the hard source, I would like you to have, at the very least, the page with the information needed for your works cited.  Generally, this is the title page.  If you have the entire book or magazine, you are covered!

Quick Bits: Information on Being A Photographer

Average Salary
Expected Job Number
169,500 as of 2018
College Choices
To Study Photography
  1. Salt        
  2.  CCS        
  3. Boston University     
Degree Needed & Number of Years in School

Bachelor of Arts /
4 years of college