Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday, March 17th (It's beginning to look more like Spring! YES!)

Today in class we corrected Vocabulary Unit 3 Parts 1-3 together.

Next I handed out your rubric for your pronoun exercises. Your exercises should be stapled together, IN ORDER, with your rubric on the top WHEN YOU ENTER CLASS TOMORROW! Mrs. Trahan will collect them at the beginning of the hour. A note of warning: I have been stressing that you need to be organized when you turn these in! DO NOT MAKE me have to guess where each section starts and ends. LABEL everything properly. You will not receive credit if you do not do this correctly!

Finally, I handed out a comprehensive sheet for your career exploration research paper. I went over it all briefly. DO NOT FREAK OUT! We will be doing each leg of the assignment as to NOT overwhelm you. If you complete each item as I ask, you will not have "too much" and I think you will be very pleased with the outcome!

  • Complete Vocab Parts 4-6.  Mrs. Trahan will go over the answers with you tomorrow.
  • Your pronoun test is tomorrow.  Mrs. Trahan will be administering the test to you in my absence.  The test is ONLY 35 questions.  KNOW: pronouns person, gender, and #; DO, IO, OP in regards to object pronouns; which subject pronoun to use and when; the difference between possessive pronouns and adjectives; identify the antecedent to a pronoun in a sentence; proper use of indefinite pronouns
Weekend Homework:
  • An index card with your name and 3 careers you are interested in researching for your paper.  Put the careers in order of your 1st choice, 2nd choice and then 3rd choice with your name on it.

  • Your "Prayer for ______" assignment.  It is due on Monday.  
    • Powerpoints: you may attach it to an email and send it to or bring in your USB.  Make sure to have a title page and include your 100 word description/purpose for your prayer as the second slide in your show and include the music I would hear on the second slide as well.
    • Videos: submit on a DVD or save it to and email me ( the site address to your video.  You must submit the 100 word description on a typed piece of paper using MLA heading.  At the very bottom of the page include the music I would hear while watching the movie.
    • Storyboard: turn in your storyboard sketch, complete with descriptions of each scene.  Along with this, on a separate typed sheet with MLA heading include the 100 word description/purpose for the prayer (on the bottom of the sheet include the music I would hear). 

  • Study for your Vocabulary Unit 3 Test.  It will be on Monday!