Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 31st

Today I gave you a couple of things to help you review.
Active/passive voice

Indirect/Direct Objects
I will not be in tomorrow because I have to attend my aunt's funeral.  Mr. Padesky will be there to do the following:
  1. Collect your 3x5 card.  THIS MUST BE HANDED IN.  Failure to hand it in means you will not be able to use one on the test.  Remember: IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING and NO VOCABULARY WORDS from the VOCAB BOOK!
  2. Correct/Collect these worksheets from you.
  3. Monitor a study hall for the remainder of the class period.  Bring study guides/books/whatever you need to study for English or any class you choose.  Mr. P. will be carefully noting students who do not take this academic time seriously.  Your grade will take a hit if you are not studious.  
Thank you in advance for being well-behaved and excellent students while I am gone.  I appreciate knowing that I can be with my family during this time knowing you are all getting ready to stomp those finals!

See you Thursday!
Contact me via email if you have any questions!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, MAY 25th

Today we corrected the last assignment of the verb packet and I collected all of your work.

Next I told you that on the final exam your vocabulary questions would be pulled from Units 4, 5, & 6.
With that I assigned some vocabulary review to help get you started on your quest to review for the exam!

However, I am at home typing this entry and realized I did not bring my book home.  If you have a question about the page numbers I assigned, call and ask a friend!  The vocabulary is due tomorrow!

I have correctly re-posted an UPDATED version of the final exam review.  You can make a 3x5 card with information on it BUT YOU MAY NOT write anything related to the Vocabulary words from the Vocabulary Book.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24th----TUESDAY!

Today we corrected page 44 Vocabulary and Active/Passive Verbs from Monday.

Next you read/took notes on Subject/Verb agreements.

S/V Agreement Part I: (exe. 1 & 2 answers only, exe. 3 rewrite the new sentence---only use correct once)
S/V Agreement Part 2: (exe. 1 answers only, exe. 2 rewrite the new sentence---only use correct once)
Vocabulary Page 173 rewrite new sentence ( only use correct once)

P.S.  I posted the Final Exam Review on EDLINE!! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23rd

Today we corrected the Intransitive/transitive verb work.  I also collected your chart from last Tuesday.

Next you read about active and passive verbs and took some notes.  We discussed the notes and did a few examples together.

Homework (DUE TOMORROW):
4.3 Active and Passive Verbs (Exe. 1 answers only, exe. 2 rewrite the new sentence)
Vocabulary Page 44---run-ons and fragments

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday, May 18th

Today we corrected the vocabulary and the worksheet from Monday.
Next you took notes on transitive and intransitive verbs.  We did a few together.

  • Page 366 Exercise 1 & 2 (not #3 or 14 in exercise 2).  DUE MONDAY
  • Graph from Tuesday is DUE MONDAY
  • Vocabulary Unit 8 TEST THURSDAY (TOMORROW!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 17th

Today we began by taking a tour of the chart website listed under "Helpful and Important Links" to the right.  This is a great FREE resource that you can use now and in the future.  The assignment was to look up a topic of your choice.  Find information about the topic that you could graph.  Finally, compose a visually pleasing graph with the information.  Remember the advice I gave to you concerning layout!  You will be marked down if you do not use this advice.

  • Finish Vocab Unit 8 Workbook (we are correcting it tomorrow and taking a test on Thursday)
  • The final Chart is due MONDAY!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday, May 16th

Today we began by correcting vocabulary.  Next we read a couple of articles out of Upfront (New York Times Magazine for students).  The articles dealt with the power of images and "the digital divide."  The Digital Divide article had work along with it, including a powerful bar graph showing internet speeds around the world.

We will go over the answers to the worksheet tomorrow.  Afterward we will be going to the LRC so you can find information on a subject that interests you and create your own chart!

  • Think of what information you may want to research to graph
  • Vocabulary Parts 4-6 DUE WEDNESDAY!  Test is on THURSDAY!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Field Day Friday!

Today we listened the remaining snip-its from the research paper.

For the remaining 15 minutes you had a study hall.

Vocabulary Unit 8 Parts 1-3

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday, May 12th

Today we took Unit 7 Vocabulary Test in our shortened class.  We will hear final speeches tomorrow.

  • Final copy of resume and essay due TOMORROW!
  • Vocabulary Unit 8 Parts 1-3 DUE MONDAY!
If we finish speeches early tomorrow, you may bring a book or magazine to read or use the time as a quiet study hall.

FIELD DAY REMINDER: Dress accordingly!  Remember: you will most likely get messy!  Also remember you ATTEND A CATHOLIC SCHOOL! :-)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 11

Today we corrected the remainder of the Vocabulary for Unit 7.  Afterward we discussed editing resumes and how that would be a bit different than editing an essay.

You then had 35 minutes to edit with at least two peers of your choice.

  • Final drafts of resumes and essays due FRIDAY!
  • Vocabulary Unit 7 Test TOMORROW (Thursday).  Make sure you bring your completed Vocabulary Work for Unit 7 as well.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday, May 9th

Resume Writing

Directions: Analyze the 4 resumes I posted on Edline.  Look carefully at the categories of information as well as the way the writer has used things like color, bold, italics, parenthesis, bullets, etc. to organize the information.

Your resume can list items from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.

Requirements: You must have the following items on your resume:
1.      Your full name, address, phone number and email address
2.      Your 8th grade course schedule.  You may list your schedule as a full year or by semesters.
3.      You must provide at least 3 categories of information.  Some categories to consider: Awards, Honors, Employment, Volunteer Work, Community Service, Extra-curricular Activities, Hobbies or Leadership.  These are simply suggestions.  As you see in the 4 models on Edline, some students have chosen to combine categories where it made sense.
4.      You must qualify and quantify items you list.  Again, you can list things from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.  Remember Mrs. Piazzon said it is important to not just make a laundry list of items.  Giving a brief description to the items you list will allow the reader to truly understand what you have accomplished.  It is also important give the year or grade you were in when you completed/accomplished said item.  When listing volunteer work/employment, giving the hours per week or semester is also a good idea.
5.      Use color, bold, italics, parenthesis, bullets, etc. to organize your work.  Use the 4 models to give you ideas.  Remember Mrs. Piazzon said it is good to be “unique” but do not make the layout ridiculous.  Stand out without overdoing it!  If you want my feedback, I can help!

If you are using color and want it to show up when you hand it in, you must print it out at home.

"Looking Toward the Future" Essay
Word Count 500-700 words (POST WORD COUNT at the END OF YOUR DOCUMENT)

     After you have written your resume, review it.  Consider the following questions to answer in your essay.  These are merely suggestions.
  • Discuss the areas of your strengths and weaknesses.  
  • What area(s) in your resume stands out; what will you continue to do in high school?  What area(s) do you need to work on; how will you change it (them)?  
  • What are your goals for high school?  How will you accomplish your goals?  In what ways will you push yourself?  
  • (If you have ideas for the next question, consider including an answer to this:  How do you envision this playing out into your college career?)
  • After listening to Mrs. Piazzon’s lecture, what piece(s) of advice stood out to you the most?  Why?  
  • What advice would you leave to an in-coming 7th grader?

We will have today and tomorrow in the computer lab.  
Both your resume and essay rough drafts will be due on Wednesday 
and the finals due on Friday, May 13th.

Looking Ahead:
Monday: See above / Computer Lab
Tuesday: Correct Vocabulary Unit 7 Parts 1-3; Continue working on the assignments above 
HWK: Vocabulary Unit 7 Parts 4-6 & bring in typed rough versions of the assignments above
Wednesday: Correct Vocabulary Unit 7 Parts 4-6.  TEST TOMORROW.  Class edit both resume essay.
Thursday: MASS schedule; Vocabulary Unit 7 Test
Friday: Turn in final draft of resume and essay

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5th

Today we continued hearing snip-its from research papers.

Here are the remaining answers to the vocabulary---
16. diligent
17. superfluous
18. prim
19. impoverished
20. incessant
Choosing the Right Word
1. incessant
2. superfluous
3. hampered
4. hew
5. bondage
6. doleful
7. lucid
8. sardonic
9. intricate
10. prim
11. tenaciously
12. credible
13. defray
14. diligent
15. atone
16. impoverished
17. supplanted
18. taunts
19. ghastly
20. posthumously
Vocabulary in Context
1. d, 2. c, 3. a, 4. a, 5. c, 6. a


  • 10 more students need to deliver their snip-its of their research papers.
  • With any time remaining you may get caught up and/or begin thinking about YOUR resume.  We will begin these on Monday!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday, May 4th

Today Mrs. Piazzon came in to discuss student resumes and their impact on applying for college.  She gave some great resume models.  She was also on hand to answer any high school or college questions you might have had.  Next Monday we will go to the Computer Lab and create a resume so you have experience before high school.  This will put you one step ahead of the rest next year!

Tomorrow (Shortened class period):
  • we will check the remainder of Vocabulary Unit 6 (Test is FRIDAY!)
  • Continue to listen to "Snip-Its of Research Papers"
  • Take the Vocabulary 6 Test
  • Listen to any remaining speeches

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday, May 3rd

Today we began right away with sharing "snip-its" of the research papers.  We were unable to get through everyone today, so we will continue on Thursday.

At the end of the hour, everyone turned in their conclusions to the research paper.

Finish Vocabulary Unit 6 Parts 4-6 for Thursday.  On Thursday I will give you the answers and you will have your vocabulary test on Friday.

Mrs. Piazzon who works in college/career services in the high school will be talking to us tomorrow about the benefits of a great resume.  This will gear us up for another assignment at the end of the week as you will work on your own resume!

Vocabulary Answers for:
Completing the Sentences
  1. hamper
  2. impoverished
  3. diligent
  4. hew
  5. bondage
  6. taunts
  7. ghastly
  8. lucid
  9. superfluous
  10. credible
  11. prim
  12. tenacious
  13. doleful
  14. posthumous
  15. sardonic
  16. intricate
  17. incessant
  18. supplant
  19. atone
  20. defray
  1. hamper
  2. ghastly
  3. defray
  4. bondage
  5. intricate
  6. posthumous
  7. sardoni
  8. lucid
  9. tenacious
  10. supplanted
  11. hews
  12. doleful
  13. credible
  14. atoned
  15. taunts

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2nd

Today you took your Vocabulary Unit 5 Test.  When you were finished, you brought up your test, answer sheet, workbook and conclusion rough draft.

After you were given points for a completed workbook and conclusion rough draft, you had the chance to edit at least 2 conclusions from fellow classmates.

  • Tomorrow you will present a "snip-it" from your research paper.  Your snip-it should last 2-3 minutes.  I suggest using one of the following portions of your paper: your luring introduction, a portion/all of your interview, or your conclusion.  Think of the section that will most keep your audience's attention and that you are the most comfortable reading.  Practice reading it this evening so you will be able to look at your audience from time to time.
  • Vocabulary Unit 6 Parts 1-3 DUE TOMORROW 
  • Final Conclusion DUE TOMORROW