Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2nd

Today you took your Vocabulary Unit 5 Test.  When you were finished, you brought up your test, answer sheet, workbook and conclusion rough draft.

After you were given points for a completed workbook and conclusion rough draft, you had the chance to edit at least 2 conclusions from fellow classmates.

  • Tomorrow you will present a "snip-it" from your research paper.  Your snip-it should last 2-3 minutes.  I suggest using one of the following portions of your paper: your luring introduction, a portion/all of your interview, or your conclusion.  Think of the section that will most keep your audience's attention and that you are the most comfortable reading.  Practice reading it this evening so you will be able to look at your audience from time to time.
  • Vocabulary Unit 6 Parts 1-3 DUE TOMORROW 
  • Final Conclusion DUE TOMORROW