Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10-20 Class

Here was what we worked on today in class:
  1. Corrected the last two sections of vocabulary for Unit 5.  You are now all set to take your test tomorrow!
  2. Group work: 1st you made sure your Post-It was concise and ready for Friday's presentation.  2nd you discussed HOW you were going to present the information.  Remember to NOT merely read off the Post-It.  Include how the information impacts the story and how your group reacted to reading the information (in conjunction with the info on the Post-It note).  PACK YOUR AUDIENCE WITH AN EMOTIONAL PUNCH (and don't be wimpy about it :)
  3. Study for Vocab Unit 5 test
  4. Read Chapters 21/22 and answer questions #95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103.  I will collect Chapter 19-22 questions on FRIDAY.
Tonight's Homework:
  • STUDY for your vocabulary test tomorrow
  • Read Chapters 21-22 and answer questions #95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103 and be prepared to turn this in along with the questions from chapter 19-20 DUE FRIDAY
  • Begin reviewing your speaking part for your presentation on Friday (if you have one).