As promised, I gave you today as a final workday to complete Chapters 25-27 and questions 120-130 on the study guide.
During this time you were also able to ask me any vocabulary or TKM questions you might have had.
- Tomorrow you have a vocabulary test over Unit 6.
- Also, your TKM questions will be collected for Chapters 23 & 24 (which were assigned last week) and Chapters 25-27.
- You are going to read Chapters 28-29 this weekend. Be ready for a short quiz on Monday. You will not be responsible for answering any questions for these two chapters.
- You will need to finish Vocabulary parts 1/2 for Monday.
- On Monday you will take a short quiz, correct Vocab parts 1/2. We will also read together the last two very short chapters of TKM (30/31).
- We will have a whole class discussion on Chapters 25-31 on Tuesday.
- You will have a Book Test over TKM on Wednesday
- You will have a Vocabulart Test on Thursday.
- We will watch TKM beginning Monday of the following week.