Next we discussed the Research Paper Conclusion. Here is the handout I gave you:
Research Paper Conclusion
What were your overall impressions after writing the paper? Here are some questions to answer in your conclusions. These are merely suggestions. DO NOT answer these questions in bullet points, but rather in essay form. 600-800 words. The word count requirement is firm . You MAY NOT write any less; a great way to prove your thoughtful, descriptive abilities! You MAY NOT go over; a great way to prove your editing skills. You can answer all or as many as you would like. Organize your response, be thoughtful, use intelligent word choices, and make sure to EDIT well.
• After researching the career, what is the impression you are walking away with? Are you still considering it? If so, why? What emotions are you feeling about it? Excited? Overwhelmed? Describe.
• If you are not considering it, why? What has turned you off?
• Are you still unsure? Why? What are the pros and cons?
• Do you have an ideal college in mind? If so, describe the college program. What kinds of classes would you have to take? Would you live on campus/off campus? In Michigan/out-of-state? Does your college offer scholarships for the program you wish to pursue?
• If college is not needed, what type of technical education or learning beyond high school is required? Where would you live? Are there scholarships for this form of study?
• Was the interview portion of the paper particularly helpful? If so, in what ways? Be descriptive.
• Did the person you talk with give you any insight/inspiration?
• Are you happy with the day-to-day life of a ________? In what ways? Salary? Is the number of people needed in your field rising or declining?
• Do you feel this career with be fulfilling? In what ways?
• You may also choose to write about the writing process itself. Comment on gathering research, writing and editing the paper, use of parenthetical references, quotes, works cited page, etc.
If you have another idea, please clear it with me first!
- Vocabulary Unit 5 Parts 1-3 (we will correct this tomorrow)
- Thursday (MASS/shortened period---25 min):
- Correct Vocabulary Unit 5 Parts 1-3
- Go to the LRC with the rest of our time. You can use it to finalize your business letter or begin writing your conclusion.
- Business Letter due FRIDAY!
- Friday (full class period):
- Correct Vocabulary Unit 5 Parts 4-6 (TEST MONDAY!)
- Turn in your Business Letter
- Continue writing/editing your conclusion
- Conclusion due Monday