Mrs. Ehle's Writing Session Calendar

Monday, December 20, 2010


Today you took your mid-term exam and completed a short self-evaluation.

Here is your assignment over break:
Read Chains through page 67 (up through Chapter 10).  Anderson is a highly descriptive author.  She uses specific details to evoke her readers' 5 senses.  You must highlight/put a sticky note on two scenes you found personally engaging because of the rich description.

EXTRA CREDIT: Email me over break at by  January 2nd.  In the email include page #'s for one of the scenes you highlighted.  Include a summary, in your own words, of the scene and specific sentences in the scene that include excellent description. Explain why you were moved by the scene.  What senses did it evoke?

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17th!

Today you had a study hall.  You were able to spend time reviewing for those tests you think are going to be your hardest!

On Monday for the English Exam, please bring your copy of Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson along with a #2 pencil for the test! 

Have a Great Weekend
and Study HARD :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15, 2010

Today we corrected the rest of the punctuation packet.

Next you designed 40 notecards as Vocabulary Flashcards.  Bring these completed flashcards to school tomorrow in a zip lock bag!  We will be using them for a game.  Remember you are only putting the definition and a complete sentence using the word on back.  Also, at least 10 cards need icons or pictures representing what the word means to you.

Also, bring in the final copy of your TKM paper that I handed back today.  We will be adding these to your portfolio tomorrow.

Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10th

Today we corrected the first portion of the punctuation packet you were assigned.

Next we discussed the examples from the next portion including: punctuation, apostrophes, hyphens, and dashes.  You were assigned, in class, to finish the remaining exercises in the packet.  We will correct and I will collect the entire packet on Monday.  Please make sure you finish this weekend what you were unable to finish in class.

  • 41 notecards & a zip lock bag OR 8 sheets of lined paper & a zip lock bag.  If  you have any coloring supplies (markers, crayons, or colored pencils---bring those too!)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8th

Today we only had five minutes to begin checking the comma assignment before we were called to go to the buses.  Please make sure tomorrow you have the assignment so we can finish correcting.

We will also continue our punctuation unit with some more discussion and lessons.

  • The original with my remarks on it
  • The revised version with your peers remarks on it
  • Your final version, complete with the Work Cited page
  • The rubric (remember, if you lost your original copy I gave you, you can scroll down the blog, find it, copy and paste it and print out the copy)
I am really looking forward to reading your final draft! :-)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7th

Today we began by looking at formatting issues.  I showed you an example of a Work Cited page as well as a sample paper.  PLEASE: if you forget, look at the MLA handbook you purchased for school.  IT IS AN EXCELLENT resource!  It has examples of a Word Cited and sample paper as well.  Formatting should be "gimme points" on your paper---VERY EASY!!!

Next you had the remaining time to peer edit with two other students.

YOUR FINAL DRAFT IS DUE THURSDAY!  This will be your only homework on tonight and tomorrow night!  This is worth a great deal of your grade!  Have someone at home read it too!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6th

I postponed the peer editing session until tomorrow.  I took from you the original draft you turned in to me along with your newly revised draft.  I want to take it home this evening to quickly check to see you did your homework.  You will have your peer editing session(s) tomorrow in class.

Today we began by taking a look at comma usage.  We did an example from each section. With the remaining time you began your homework assignment and also had a 10 minute preview of the bookfair.  Whatever you were unable to finish in class you must do at home this evening.

The assignment is as follows.  I will collect it tomorrow for an exposure grade:
  1. Page 748 #1-6 (write out the new sentence)
  2. Page 750 #1-6 (write out the word before the comma, then the "," and the word following the comma
  3. Page 752 #1-6, 8, 10 (write out the new sentence)
Tuesday: Peer editing sessions
Wednesday: formatting issues, grammar
Thursday: FINAL PAPER DUE (bring in all drafts as we will be adding them to your portfolio)
Friday: Finish Facebook
NEXT MONDAY: You will need 40 notecards and a ziplock bag!
BEFORE BREAK: You will need to own the novel Chains.  It is being sold at the book fair this week!

    Thursday, December 2, 2010

    December 2nd

    Happy Holidays!

    Today you took your vocabulary test. 

    After you finished you had more time to look over my comments I returned to you on your rough draft yesterday and ask me any necessary questions. 

    Your NEW rough draft is due on Monday so that you can be involved in a peer editing session.  YOU may NOT simply print off a copy of the rough draft you turned in to me.  YOU MUST MUST MUST make corrections to the draft and print out your new version for your peer editor to read in order to participate.  You must also have with you the copy with my corrections on it so I can verify, if needed, that you indeed made changes.

    You were also given the grading rubric I will use when you turn in your final draft.  (See below).  If you lose the copy I give you, you MUST highlight the one below and copy and paste it into a word document. If you fail to turn in a rubric with your final draft you will automatically be deducted TWO points.

    Your only homework for Thursday-Sunday is to improve your draft.  The final copy of this paper is worth a great deal of your 2nd term grade.  Have others read it over the weekend!  Make good use of this time!
    • Monday bring to class: an editing pen, your NEW 2nd Version Rough Draft, and your 1st Version with my corrections

    To Kill A Mockingbird Paper Rubric

    Name ____________________________________

    English _____ Period

    Organization: Paragraphs logically flow.  Each paragraph has a topic sentence with details to support.  Evidence is not listed in the paragraph, but carefully explained.

    Sentence Fluency:  Uses diverse sentence structure properly.

    Word Choice: Uses words appropriately.  Does not use   contractions or “forbidden words.”

    Voice: Uses ONLY 3rd person and only uses ONE verb tense throughout the paper.

    Conventions: Has been thoroughly edited for punctuation and grammar and has VERY FEW mistakes.

    Ideas and Content: Has a clear thesis and focused details.   Introduction includes author’s name and title of the book.  Each piece of evidence is clearly relevant to the topic.

    MLA Work Cited, citations, and heading: Paper includes at least 3 parenthetical citations.  Citations are properly placed and punctuated.  The heading is formatted properly.  There are no spacing issues in the paper.

    Total Points:

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    December 1st!!

    Today we corrected Vocabulary and the Fact and Opinion work.

    I also passed back your rough drafts of your TKM paper.  You need to revise your paper and have a new draft by Monday.

    1. Study for your Vocabulary Unit 9 Test
    2. Begin revising your rough draft.  The new draft is due on Monday.  On Monday you will peer edit.

    Tuesday, November 30, 2010

    11-30 Class

    Today we began by correcting vocabulary and collecting your paragraph work from page 289 from last night's assignment.

    Next we discussed the difference between factual statements and opinion statements.  I am still seeing this is a main problem in your TKM papers.  We began a 3 part exercise today and you were responsible for finishing it up and asking individual questions as you went along.

    1. Fact and Opinion Worksheet: Part A (f or o answers only), Part B (your changed answer only), Part C (your letter answer only
    2. Vocabulary---Antonyms, Choosing the Right Word, and Vocabulary in Context.  Remember your test is Thursday!

    Monday, November 29, 2010

    11-29 Class

    While reading rough drafts this weekend I am still seeing areas of weakness in elementary parts of your writing.  Writing cohesive paragraphs with a clear topic sentences and details to support along with creating concise sentences are among these problems.

    Today you worked on proofreading work, correcting these types of errors.  (page 289)


    Part A:
    1. Compose 2 paragraphs
    2. Delete 2 unnecessary sentences
    3. Reorder for better organization/more logical flow
    4. Add words for better clarity/heighten vocabulary
    Part C:
    1. Compose 3 paragraphs
    2. Delete 3 unrelated sentences
    3. & 4. are the same as above
    You are also going to complete Vocabulary Unit 9: Definitions, Completing the Sentences, and Synonyms for tomorrow.  Any work you did not finish in class becomes homework.  I will collect/check tomorrow with you in class.

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010


    Today you had the entire time to work in the LRC on your rough draft. You also had time to work with the Chomp Chomp grammar on-line exercises/handouts. See the Helpful and Important Link section on the right side of the page or click here:

    Homework over Thanksgiving Break:
    • You MUST print out the hand-out for Comma Exercise Number 4  and turn it in on Monday when you return.  You should have 100% because you can do the interactive quiz at the same time that corrects your error if you make one and tells you the correct answer (Interactive Quiz Link:
    • Work through other on-line exercises.  I can BET money that you will see this material on your mid-term!  Please bring any questions you have about any of the exercises so we can talk about them as a class.

    Monday, November 22, 2010

    11-22 Class

    Today you had another opportunity to do some in class writing. I also set up a "Now Serving" list on the board so you could take a number if you had individual questions pertaining to your paper.

    In addition to working on your rough draft you also had the option of working on tonight's vocabulary assignment.

    • Vocabulary pgs 76-80 (these sections ONLY: Choosing the Right Meaning, Antonyms, Word Associations, Building Classical Roots)
    • Continue working on your rough draft

    • First we will correct the vocabulary assignment in class.
    • Then we will be heading to the Library for the remainder of the hour so you may use the laptops. There you will be able to type up your rough draft. If you have already started typing your rough draft at home you MUST bring it on a USB or email it to yourself so you can continue this work in the computer lab tomorrow. Your completed rough draft (including 4 citations and MLA heading) is due tomorrow by 3:05 p.m.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

    Friday, November 19, 2010

    11-19 Class

    Today you had the entire hour to begin writing your rough draft, check your introduction over with me to make sure you are moving in the right direction.

    I was not pleased with the amount of work that occurred in class today.  Too much talking---too little work.  If Monday is not better, I will not allow in-class writing time.  This means you will have an assignment in class and have to finish the draft at home along with another assignment.  Please come to class Monday more focused.

    Homework/Looking Ahead...
    Before we head to break your completed rough draft is due (on Tuesday by 3:05 p.m.).  I want a QUALITY, TYPED, 2-3 page rough draft as outlined on the direction sheet.  The same "writing rules" apply as they did with your Animal Farm paper for Mrs. Knudson.  You will have all day Monday and Tuesday to work on your draft in class.

    Good Luck on your HS Placement Test!!

    Thursday, November 18, 2010

    11-18 Class

    Today we began by correcting vocabulary, a portion for a mastery grade and another portion for an exposure grade.

    Next I showed you pages 115-118 in the grammar book as reference pages to help you get started on your introductory paragraph/thesis as well as sketching out an outline.

    By TOMORROW you are to have a typed copy of your introduction including a thesis statement as your last sentence in the paragraph.  Under that you can either hand write or type a sketch of an outline.  Important things you need in your outline are what each paragraph will be about and where you quotes/paraphrases will be in your essay.

    NEXT TUESDAY you will need to hand in to me a hand written (double lined) or typed (double spaced) draft of your essay.   Follow the directions on your handout explaining the assignment.  I will give you a rubric tomorrow that I will used to grade your final copy.  I will be giving you all hour tomorrow (Friday), Monday, and Tuesday to work on this in class. 

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    11-17 Class (looking at mistakes)

    Today we began by correcting Practice  2 of the verb tense shift packet.  I collected it for an exposure grade after.

    Next I showed you a slideshow of various errors from student Animal Farm papers.  These were the errors you showed concern about when I gave you the survey last Friday.  In the slideshow we discussed and I showed you ways you could fix them.  I am posting this slideshow to our edline page.

    Finally I gave you details about your homework:
    • Vocabulary pgs 46-47 (Choosing the right word and antonyms only), 48 = mastery grade
    • Vocabulary 49-50 for an exposure grade
    • By Friday I expect you to have a typed draft of your introductory paragrah (must include thesis statement as the last sentence as well as mention the author's name and book title).  In addition you must also provide a sketch of an outline for the rest of your paper.  It does not need to be extensive, but I want to be assured you are thinking about the topics of your body paragraphs and you have an idea of where you will support your thesis with evidence from the novel.

    Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    11-16 Class

    Today we began by:
    • Correcting pages 72-75 in vocabulary
    • Correcting Practice 1 in the Verb Tense Shift packet
    Next I handed out your options for the TKM Essay.  I also posted a copy of this on our Edline page.  You must also utilize Mrs. Knudson's picky page as well as I adhere to the same do's and don'ts of writing.

    You must write an outline for your essay, so begin thinking what question you feel strongest about.

    • Practice 2 in the Verb Tense Shift packet
    • Decide what essay you would like to write on

    Monday, November 15, 2010


    Today you had a chance to watch the "To Kill A Mockingbird" finale.

    Next we corrected Vocabulary pages 42-45 as a mastery grade.

    Then we discussed verb tense shift and did a short lesson on it.

    1. Vocabulary pages 72-75 (mastery grade/due tomorrow)
    2. Finish the verb tense worksheet (we will correct that tomorrow as well)

    Friday, November 12, 2010

    11-12 Class

    Today you took the vocabulary test.  Next you took a survery about the questions you still have about writing a paper.  You were able to look at your Animal Farm paper and reflect on Mrs. Knudson's comments and your final draft. 

    • Vocabulary Pages 42-45.  This is a MASTERY GRADE and we will check it on Monday.  I WILL be looking for right/wrong answers this time; it is not merely an effort grade.
    • Wallwisher DUE MONDAY!

    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    11-11 Class

    Today we corrected parts 5 and 6 of Vocabulary Unit 8. You will have your vocabulary test tomorrow!

    Finally, we watched the remainder of "To Kill A Mockingbird".

    • Study for your Vocabulary Unit 8 Test
    • Wallwisher comment due by 7am Monday morning
    • Field Trip Permission Slip due by Nov. 23rd.  (Parent Drivers needed too!)

    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    11-10 Class

    Today we corrected Vocabulary parts 1-4.

    Next we watch more of "To Kill A Mockingbird".

    • Vocabulary Part 5/6
    • Your vocabulary test will be Friday
    • Since Walllwisher has been having technical difficulties, I have moved the due date until Monday.

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    11-9 Class

    Today we watched "To Kill A Mockingbird".

    • Complete Vocabulary Unit 8 Part 3/4.We will correct Parts 1-4 tomorrow in class before watching the remainder of the movie.
    • Wallwisher comment due by Friday.  See the blog entry below for directions

    Monday, November 8, 2010

    11-8 Class

    Today you took Unit 7 Vocabulary Test.

    Afterwards we watched a little bit more of "To Kill A Mockingbird".

    • Vocabulary Unit 8 parts 1 & 2
    • Wallwisher is due by Friday.  On the right-hand side of this page, under HELPFUL and IMPORTANT LINKS find the one that says Wallwisher.  Click it and it will take you to the wall.  There you will be instructed to double-click the wall and your own post-it will show up.  You must click on the word ANONYMOUS to add your first name and inital of your last name.  On top of the wall is the question you need to answer.

    Thursday, November 4, 2010

    11-4 TKM TEST

    Today we corrected the final portion of Vocabulary for Unit 7.

    Next you had the rest of the hour to take the To Kill A Mockingbird test.

    • Study for your Vocabulary Unit 7 test that will be given on Monday
    • Bring your Animal Farm paper to class on Tuesday.  I want you to take a small survey for me and you will need the paper to be able to answer it completely
    • Monday & Tuesday: we will watch "To Kill A Mockingbird" and you will take the writing survey Tuesday
    • Wednesday we will begin some mini-lessons on how to write the paper
    • Thursday more mini-lessons/in-class writing/reseach for the paper
    • Friday more in-class paper writing/time to ask questions as you write

    Wednesday, November 3, 2010

    11-3 Class---Beginning to Watch TKM!

    With our shortened hour, today we corrected Vocabulary Unit 7 Parts 3/4 (Synonyms and Antonyms).  We also began watching "To KIll A Mockingbird."

    • Vocabulary parts 5/6 (we will check in class tomorrow)
    • Study for To Kill A Mockingbird test.  25 Multiple Choice, 6 T/F, 9 Quotes/Who said it, 10 points for a short essay

    Tuesday, November 2, 2010


    Today you watched my TKM Powerpoint, which I will post to Edline.  With the time remaining, you were able to ask questions about anything concerning the book or your vocabulary test.


    • Tomorrow we will check Vocabulary Unit 7 Part 3/4 and you will begin watching "To Kill A Mockingbird".  We have a shortened period due to NJHS inductions.  For homework you will do Vocabulary Parts 5/6
    • Thursday we will correct Vocabulary Parts 5/6.  You will take your TKM Test.
    • Your Vocabulary Unit 7 Test will be Monday.

    11-2 Class

    Today you watched my TKM Powerpoint, which I will post to Edline.  With the time remaining, you were able to ask questions about anything concerning the book or your vocabulary test.

    • Tomorrow we will check Vocabulary Unit 7 Part 3/4 and you will begin watching "To Kill A Mockingbird".  We have a shortened period due to NJHS inductions.  For homework you will do Vocabulary Parts 5/6
    • Thursday we will correct Vocabulary Parts 5/6.  You will take your TKM Test.
    • Your Vocabulary Unit 7 Test will be Monday.

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    11-1 Class

    Today we did a few things:
    1. corrected Vocabulary Unit 7 Part 1/2
    2. took a short quiz over Chapters 28-29 TKM
    3. read together the last two chapters of TKM (30 & 31) and finished the book!
    • Look over your study guide questions.  Highlight the ones you still do not understand.  Tomorrow I will be summarizing Chapters 25-29 with you.  Afterward you will have time to ask any questions about the book you may have. 
    • TUESDAY: summarizing Chapters 25-29 with you. Afterward you will have time to ask any questions about the book you may have.   HWK: Vocabulary Part 3/4
    • WEDNESDAY: Begin watching TKM the movie  HWK: Vocabulary 5/6
    • THURSDAY: Take the test covering the entire book HWK: Study for Vocabulary Test to be given Monday

    Thursday, October 28, 2010

    10-28 Class

    Today you took your Vocabulary test for Unit 6.
    After the test, I showed you the Wallwisher site and explained the assignment. (see bottom of page)

    With any time remaining before Mass, you had a chance to begin on this weekend's tasks:
    • Vocabulary Unit 7 Part 1/2.  We will correct this in class on Monday
    • Reading Chapters 28 & 29.  You will have a very short quiz over these 2 chapters Monday.
    Looking Ahead to Next Week
    • Monday: Correct Vocab, take quiz, finish reading the last two chapters together (HWK: Vocab pt 3/4)
    • Tuesday: Finish any reading together if necessary; discuss the last portion of the novel (HWK: Vocab pt. 5/6; Study for TKM test)
    • Wednesday: Take a TKM Novel Test (HWK: Study for vocab. unit 7 test)
    • Thursday: Take Unit 7 Vocabulary Test
    BEFORE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, GO TO THIS SITE:  and post.  Make sure to use your first name and last letter INITIAL so you can earn credit while maintaining security measures.

    Wednesday, October 27, 2010

    10-27 Class

    Today we corrected Vocabulary Parts 5/6.

    As promised, I gave you today as a final workday to complete Chapters 25-27 and questions 120-130 on the study guide.

    During this time you were also able to ask me any vocabulary or TKM questions you might have had.

    • Tomorrow you have a vocabulary test over Unit 6. 
    • Also, your TKM questions will be collected for Chapters 23 & 24 (which were assigned last week) and Chapters 25-27.

    • You are going to read Chapters 28-29 this weekend.  Be ready for a short quiz on Monday.  You will not be responsible for answering any questions for these two chapters.
    • You will need to finish Vocabulary parts 1/2 for Monday.
    • On Monday you will take a short quiz, correct Vocab parts 1/2.  We will also read together the last two very short chapters of TKM (30/31).
    • We will have a whole class discussion on Chapters 25-31 on Tuesday. 
    • You will have a Book Test over TKM on Wednesday
    • You will have a Vocabulart Test on Thursday.
    • We will watch TKM beginning Monday of the following week.

      Tuesday, October 26, 2010

      10-26 Class

      Today we corrected Vocab Part 3/4

      You had the entire evening to work on the TKM assignment given yesterday.  (See yesterday's post for the specific assignment).

      Finish Vocab Part 5/6------TEST THURSDAY

      Tomorrow you will have one more TKM Work Day.

      Monday, October 25, 2010

      10-25 Class

      Today we corrected Vocabulary Unit 6 part 1 and 2.

      Next I gave a presentation on TKM (Testimony and Summaries for Chapters 21-24).  At this time you answered certain questions as a class aloud and were given the time to ask additional questions of your own.

      I posted the powerpoint to Edline so you can review it if needed.

      • Vocabulary Unit 6 parts 2 and 3
      • DUE THURSDAY: TKM Chapters 25-27 and questions 120-130 (I will be giving you most of the hour on Tuesday and Wednesday to work on this as well)
      Looking Ahead This Week
      • Tuesday: Class: Correct Voc. 6 Part 3/4 & allow the rest of class time for reading Chapters 25-27 and working on questions #120-#130  HW: Voc. 6 Part 5/6
      • Wednesday: Class: Correct Voc. 6 Part 5/6 & allow the rest of class time for reading Chapters 25-27 and working on questions #120-#130  HW: Study for Voc. 6 Test THURSDAY
      • Thursday: Take Voc. 6 Test, Turn in Chapters 23-27 Questions (questions for Chapters 23-24 should have already been completed for Monday's class)  (This is a MASS day!)
      • Friday: ENJOY YOUR DAY OFF :)

      Friday, October 22, 2010

      10-22 Class

      Today you gave group presentations.  With the 15 minutes remaining, most of you began working (some of you were talking.  When given class time you MUST learn to use it!)

      This Weekend's Homework DUE MONDAY:

      I will collect them on Monday.  We will be have a whole class discussion.  Please bring any questions you have about certain scenes to class so we can flush out any misunderstandings.

      Thursday, October 21, 2010

      10-21 Class

      Today we had Mass.  During our shortened time together you completed the vocabulary test for unit 5.

      • Tomorrow I will collect all questions assigned for Chapters 19, 20, 21, & 22
      • Your group will present.  If  you are addressing the audience tomorrow, make sure you are prepared!

      Wednesday, October 20, 2010

      10-20 Class

      Here was what we worked on today in class:
      1. Corrected the last two sections of vocabulary for Unit 5.  You are now all set to take your test tomorrow!
      2. Group work: 1st you made sure your Post-It was concise and ready for Friday's presentation.  2nd you discussed HOW you were going to present the information.  Remember to NOT merely read off the Post-It.  Include how the information impacts the story and how your group reacted to reading the information (in conjunction with the info on the Post-It note).  PACK YOUR AUDIENCE WITH AN EMOTIONAL PUNCH (and don't be wimpy about it :)
      3. Study for Vocab Unit 5 test
      4. Read Chapters 21/22 and answer questions #95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103.  I will collect Chapter 19-22 questions on FRIDAY.
      Tonight's Homework:
      • STUDY for your vocabulary test tomorrow
      • Read Chapters 21-22 and answer questions #95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103 and be prepared to turn this in along with the questions from chapter 19-20 DUE FRIDAY
      • Begin reviewing your speaking part for your presentation on Friday (if you have one).

      Tuesday, October 19, 2010

      10-19 Class

      First we corrected Vocabulary Unit 5 Syn/Ant.

      Next you continued working in your group.  Below is the homework for tonight and the agenda for the rest of the week:

      Tonight's Homework
      • Vocabulary Choosing the Right Word/Vocabulary in Context (this will finish up Unit 5)

      Wednesday's Class
      Finish group work
      If you finish early, you will have time to study for Vocab Unit 5 Test on Thursday or work on reading Chapter 21 & 22/questions #95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103 DUE FRIDAY

      Thursday's Class
      Take Vocabulary Unit 5 Test
      Finish reading/questions DUE FRIDAY (see Wed. Class)

      Friday's Class
      Collect Ch. 21/22 questions #95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103
      Presentations to class regarding group projects (testimony, Atticus's closing remarks, Dolphus Raymond)

      Monday, October 18, 2010

      10-18 Class

      Today we began by correcting vocabulary parts 1/2.

      Next we began a group assignment that will take at least tomorrow to finish, if not a little bit of time on Wednesday.  The assignment dealt with summarizing testimony and Atticus's closing remarks.  I was impressed at how well you all worked together!  KUDOS!

      Complete Vocab 5 Syn/Ant for tomorrow

      Friday, October 15, 2010

      10-15 Class

      Today you began by taking Unit 4 Vocabular quiz.

      Next you were given the remainder of the hour to read chapters 19 & 20 in TKM.  You were also assigned the following questions:
      #82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 94
      • #86 reword to: "What is ironic about what Tim Robinson says in his testimony?"
      • #94 (take off the words "page 233)
      • TKM chapters 19-20 and questions (see above).  Be prepared for Monday: GROUP WORK regarding TKM
      • Vocabulary Unit 5 part 1 and 2
      • If you are entering the AOD contest as an artist, your artwork MUST be finalized by TUESDAY
      • YOU DO NOT have to work on your AOD contest piece otherwise.  We will do rewrites later next week.

      Thursday, October 14, 2010

      10-14 Class

      Today in our shortened hour we corrected the remaining vocabulary assignment.  Afterwards, you had the opportunity to workshop your piece you are going to submit to the AOD contest.  (Please see the link to the right of this page for further information should you need it).

      After you receive my feedback tomorrow, I would like you to take ALL of the advice you have received and submit a NEW draft on Monday.  This draft MUST BE TYPED.  On Monday, if you are entering the contest as an artist of any type, the photograph/picture/painting MUST BE COMPLETED by then.  I need to see it!

      • Study for tomorrow's vocabulary test
      • Finish reading Ch. 16-18 in TKM and the study questions for chapters 17-18

      Wednesday, October 13, 2010

      10-13 Class

      In our shortened hour, we corrected Unit 4 Vocabulary Parts 3/4.   The rest of the time you had to ask questions and finish the assignments due tomorrow and the ones due on Friday.

      Homework DUE TOMORROW:
      • Complete Vocabulary 5/6 (We will check tomorrow.  Test is Friday)
      • TWO copies of your completed rough draft
        • poetry and prose: must be completely TYPED out and include the word count. Make sure the word count matches the requirements
        • art: you must have AT LEAST a sketch of the idea (photo/drawing/painting/etc) AND have a typed explanation of how your visual relates to the theme Life is a Gift. Your explanation must be AT LEAST 8 sentences long, mature sounding, and make a clear connection to the theme.
        • music/song: the sheet music and/or lyrics must be present in class. You must also type an 8 sentence explanation of how the music or the song relates to the theme Life is a Gift
      Homework DUE FRIDAY:

      • TKM reading Chapters 16-18 and TKM questions from study guide (Ch. 17-18)
      • You will have a Vocabulary test today as well

      Tuesday, October 12, 2010

      10-12 Class

      Today we corrected Part 1 and 2 of your vocabulary.  Afterward you had the entire hour to accomplish the three items below:
      1. Finish Vocabulary (Synonyms and Antonyms) (Due Tomorrow)
      2. Read TKM Chapters 16-18 and answer study guide questions (Due Friday)
      3. Complete a rough draft* for your AOD contest entry (Due Thursday)
      *The rough draft must be a COMPLETE DRAFT by THURSDAY:
      • poetry and prose: must be completely TYPED out and include the word count.  Make sure the word count matches the requirements
      • art: you must have AT LEAST a sketch of the idea (photo/drawing/painting/etc) AND have a typed explanation of how your visual relates to the theme Life is a Gift.  Your explanation must be AT LEAST 8 sentences long, mature sounding, and make a clear connection to the theme.
      • music/song: the sheet music and/or lyrics must be present in class.  You must also type an 8 sentence explanation of how the music or the song relates to the theme Life is a Gift

      Monday, October 11, 2010

      10-10 Class

      Here is a tentative list of things we will cover this week, along with tentative due dates.

      • discuss chapters 10-15/collect questions
      • discuss AOD contest/rough draft DUE THURSDAY for FEEDBACK THURSDAY/MUST be typed/MUST have two copies ONE FOR ME, ONE FOR VARIOUS EDITORS
      • assign Vocab Unit 4 Part 1 and 2 (due Tuesday), Part 3/4 (due Wednesday), Part 5 (due Thursday), Friday Vocab quiz
      • assign Chapters 16-18 & all Questions for chapters 17-18 DUE FRIDAY
      • In-class WORKDAY!
      • Check Vocab Part 1/2
      • Assign Vocab Part 3/4
      • In-class WORKDAY!
      • Check Vocab Part 3/4
      • Assign Vocab Part 5 (TEST FRIDAY)
      • FEEDBACK THURSDAY (editing sessions with people you trust!)
      • Check Vocab Part 5/TEST FRIDAY
      •  Vocabulary Quiz Unit 4
      • Review TKM chapters 16-18
      • For Monday New Draft of AOD contest DUE!

      The only thing that is due is Vocabulary Unit 4 Part Definitions (part 1) and Completeing the sentences (part 2)
      You also need to think about what you are completing for you AOD Project due Thursday and begin the reading/questions due on Friday

      Friday, October 8, 2010

      10-8 Class

      I hope everyone had a pleasant Friday!


      In class I gave you the entire period to complete the assignments I gave you yesterday.  On Monday I will collect:

      • Questions from Chapters 10-13
      • Your one page TYPED essay (see yesterday's blog entry for the specifics)
      In regards to your essay, utilize the MLA sheet Mrs. Knudson uses in her class along with the sheet that gives you pointers on what to have/not to have in your essay (i.e. get, got, alot, "for example", etc.)  Although I do not expect you to work as you are for Mrs. Knudson's Animal Farm essay, remember this exercise is to help you when you do writing samples for the AP English exam or the ACT.  You will be given a topic and 30-45 minutes to write a well-organized essay with minor punctuation/grammar/mechanics errors.  

      I look forward to reading your work next week.

      This weekend, if you have time, check out Channel ABC around 3:30 p.m.  You may want to watch this before you click on the TV

      Thursday, October 7, 2010

      10-7 Class

      Today we had a shortened period, but we accomplished a lot!
      1. Took Vocabulary test & turned in Vocabulary Unit 3 work
      2. Discussed next assignment:
        • Read Chapters 13-15 by Monday and answer questions for chapters 12-13 (you can use simple answers, not complete sentences)
        • 1 One page essay.  Choose ONE of the following topics:
          • Jem and Scout needed proof that Atticus wasn't "too old."  They definitely got it when Atticus shot Tim Johnson.  Discuss a time when you needed proof to believe something.  Be specific and detailed in your writing.  Make me feel as if I was in the situation with you!
          • Many characters in this novel find themselves defending someone else.  Have you ever had to defend someone?  Who were you defending and why?  Do you believe you were right to defend him/her?  In this way, do you feel your actions are like those of a character in this novel?  Who and why?
        • Your essay MUST
          • be at least one page typed
          • use MLA heading format (use Mrs. Knudson's handout to help you)
          • use Mrs. Knudon's PICKY PAGE
          • have a clear thesis, organized & detailed supports, excellent conclusion
      I am very aware you are working on a longer essay for Mrs. Knudson; do not FREAK OUT thinking you have TOO much to do.  This essay should not take the length of time to complete as Mrs. Knudson's will take you.  Think of this as an ACT writing prompt.  In an ACT situation you will be given a prompt and asked to respond to the prompt in 30 minutes. They expect a clear thesis, organized and detailed supports, and a conclusion.  This is a lesson preparing you for that situtation.  All the while you must be mindful of grammar/puncutation/mechanics.  Be thoughtful.  Be concise.  Be procise.  This will take practice to "get good at" which is why we are practicing it!! :)

      Wednesday, October 6, 2010

      10-6 Class---LAST day of IOWAs EVER!!!

      Congratulations!  This is the last IOWA test you will ever have to take----EVER!!

      Please be mindful of a few things for tomorrow:
      • we have Mass at 9:30 a.m. which means your 1st 3 hours are shortened
      • For English, you have a vocabulary test and along with that test, all work for Unit 3 is due
      • You must read Chapters 10-12 by tomorrow and answer the assigned questions
      See you tomorrow!

      Tuesday, October 5, 2010

      10-5 Class---More IOWAs

      You all did a great job on your 2nd day of IOWAs! 

      Continue working on TKM Chapters 10-12 along with the study questions.  It is due on Thursday.

      Also, do not forget you will be taking a Vocabulary Test on Unit 3 on Thursday as well.

      Looking Ahead:
      Thursday we have a shortened hour because we have Mass at 9:30 a.m.

      Monday, October 4, 2010

      10-4 Class----A CONTEST in the midst!

      You all did quite well this morning working through the IOWAs.  If you'd like, bring a small snack that you can munch on after you are finished with a section.

      Also, I just caught word of a writing contest!  I sent you and your parents an email with the link, but here it is again:

      Please read the links on the site to familiarize yourself with the rules and forms to fill out.

      I will be discussing the contest in more detail with you Thursday or Friday.

      I look forward to reading and helping out some quality entries!

      Friday, October 1, 2010

      10-1 Class

      Today we went to Mass and did not meet for class.  Please see the posting for 9-30 Class below for your homework as it was given yesterday in class.

      Remember: Next week we DO NOT meet for class Monday-Wednesday.  We will only meet to take the IOWAs.  Get plenty of sleep Sunday night and eat a healthy breakfast Monday morning!

      Thursday, September 30, 2010

      9-30 Class

      YOU CAN DO IT!!

      Today we discussed Chapters 8-9.  I collected questions from chapters 6-9 as well as your grammar assignments with corrections.

      Tomorrow we have mass and next week we take IOWA tests Monday-Wednesday.  This means we will not meet for class until THURSDAY October 7th.

      Since we do not meet for so long, I am going to give you some additional reading.

      Here is what is what you need prepared for Thursday October 7th:
      1. Study for Unit 3 vocabulary test.  Complete the last section of Unit 3.  You will take the test on THURSDAY (10/7)!
      2. You must read Chapters 10-12 and complete questions 54, 57, 58, 62.  We will be discussing these three chapters and I will be collecting the questions on THURSDAY (10/7).  Remember: this is not due until Thursday!  You can bring your book to mass tomorrow.  We are always bused over early; read in the pew before mass starts.  Also, bring your book to read to IOWAs.  Following each portion, with extra time, you can read!  You have a total of 6 evenings (giving you one evening of NO reading) from now until the due date.  You did 2 chapters with only two evenings of time to finish it!

        Wednesday, September 29, 2010

        9-29 Class

        Today we did completed the following tasks:
        1. Corrected Vocabulary
        2. Worked on reading Chapters 8-9 and completing questions 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52 from the study guide
        We will be discussing chapters 8-9 tomorrow along with correcting the questions.  You also will be turning in your answers from your grammar pre-test along with the sentence corrections.

        Tuesday, September 28, 2010

        9-28 Class

        Today we did the following activities:

        1. Corrected vocabulary definitions and completing the sentences
        2. Corrected Grammar
        3. Corrected TKM questions Chapters 6-7
        • Vocab Unit 3 Syn/Ant/Choosing the Correct Word---DUE WEDNESDAY 
        • Making corrections on your grammar (3 sentences for every portion you got wrong) (DUE WEDNESDAY) 
        • TKM Chapter 8-9 reading and questions--DUE THURSDAY (you will have an in-class reading session tomorrow)

        Monday, September 27, 2010

        9-27 Class

        Today you took the To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 1-5 Test.

        Tomorrow the following things are due:
        1. TKM Chapters 6-7 reading and questions
        2. Vocabulary Unit 3 definitions and completing the sentences
        3. Grammar pre-test assignment Page 464 #1-20 answers only
        We will be correcting and discussing all of this work tomorrow!

        Friday, September 24, 2010

        9-24 Class

        Happy Friday!  I know we had a jam-packed class session today, so to summarize, here is what we accomplished:

        1. Vocabulary Test Unit 2 completed.  You also let me look at your book work to give you credit for completion.
        2. We discussed the answers to the To Kill A Mockingbird Webquest.
        3. We watched a short video about the Scottsboro Trials and how they inspired Harper Lee's novel.
        4. You wrote down all of the information pertaining to the essay questions for Monday's TKM Ch. 1-5 Test.  You will choose one of the following topics to write on
        • Urban legends: define, discuss how Boo Radley has become an urban legend and how it has affected the characters (Dill, Scout, Jem, Atticus, Boo, and the people of Maycomb County)
        • "Walking around in someone else's skin"--the advice Atticus gives Scout.  You will need to explain what the quote means in your own words.  You will also have describe a scene when, if Scout used this advice, the situation would have worked out differently.  You will need to set the scene, tell who was involved, what the outcome was, AND how you THINK it would have turned out differently if she would have used the advice.
        Looking Ahead:
        Monday: everyone will take the TKM Chapter 1-5 Test
        DUE ON TUESDAY: read and complete questions for TKM Chapters 6-7 and Vocab Unit 3 definitions and completing the sentences. (YES!  I decided to give you an extra day for the vocab.  I am such a nice teacher :)  

        Thursday, September 23, 2010

        9-23 Class

        Today we did the following:

        1. Corrected Vocabulary---you should now have completed all of Unit 2 book work!  I will be checking it over tomorrow
        2. Finished the Webquest
        3. Discussed and corrected TKM questions 4-5
        Vocabulary Unit 2 Test FRIDAY
        TKM Chapter 1-5 Test MONDAY
        Read TKM and finish questions for chapters 6-7 BY TUESDAY

        Wednesday, September 22, 2010

        9-22 Class

        You all did a wonderful job with the To Kill A Mockingbird Webquest; I was impressed by your ability to work in groups!

        You read about some very interesting topics. Don't let these sites limit you! Feel free to explore the sites more thoroughly, espeically the PBS site---it's really good!

        I know a few groups still need to finish up; don't worry, I will give you a portion of the hour to finish up.

        LOOKING AHEAD: Imporant Assignment dates
        • Finish TKM Chapter 4-5 reading and questions by TOMORROW (THURSDAY)! We will discuss and I will collect them. We will also check the rest of Vocabulary Unit 2 work as well---so make sure it is done.
        • I am moving the Vocabulary Unit 2 Test to FRIDAY! After the test we will discuss the webquest answers and I will be showing you a short video clip about the Scottsboro Trials.
        • You will have a TKM Chapter 1-5 Test on MONDAY.

        9-22 Webquest for To Kill A Mockingbird

        Today you will be responsible for researching and answering questions to better understand the historical background for To Kill A Mockingbird.

        To Kill A Mockingbird Webquest

        To Kill A Mockingbird is set in the southern town of Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus Finch is asked to defend a black man charged with the rape of a white woman. Through the young eyes of his children, Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores the irrationality of adult attitudes toward race and class in the Deep South of the 1930’s. The consciousness of a town engulfed in prejudice, violence, and hypocrisy is changed by the quiet heroism of one man’s struggle for justice. In order to fully grasp the novel's lessons, you must first understand the author, the times, and the place in which the story is set.

        With a partner, you will go to the following websites and answer the questions together.


        Website #1 Black Thursday

        1. In terms of the government, what does Black Thursday refer to and when did it occur?

        2. Although this is a complicated topic, how do you think The Wall Street Market Crash contributed to the Great Depression?

        Website #2 – The Dust Bowl

        1. 3.Define the term "Dust Bowl".

        1. 4.What occupation was hit hardest by the Dust Bowl?

        1. 5.Who formed the New Deal Programs?

        1. 6. How did the New Deal help those hit hardest by the Dust Bowl tragedy?

        Website #3-- The Jim Crow Laws

        7. Many African Americans were passionate about _____, despite the fact they were unable to learn in traditional schools.

        8. What were some of the consequences for African Americans who defied authority and educated themselves?

        9. What did missionaries from the North found in order to help African Americans become educated?

        10. What two famous names are associated with early African American education?

        11. What does the term the "Talented Tenth" refer to?

        Website #4 – Scottsboro Trials

        12. Who received unfair treatment in the Scottsboro trials? (include the # of people)

        13. What were they accused of doing?

        14. What date the first Scottsboro trial begin?

        15. The Scottsboro tragedy finally ended with the pardon of Clarence Norris on what date?

        The goal is to finish these questions

        by the end of the hour.

        Tuesday, September 21, 2010

        9-21 Class

        I was so sad when we had our technological meltdown today.

        Tomorrow we WILL complete our webquest!

        Instead of the webquest today we had to go with Plan B.

        You had the class period to read Chapters 4-5 and answer the study guide questions DUE THURSDAY.

        You also had the time to complete Vocabulary Unit 2 work. You will have your Vocabulary Unit 2 Test Thursday.

        Sunday, September 19, 2010

        9-20 Class

        Today we began by correcting vocabulary and your To Kill A Mockingbird questions for chapters 3-4. I collected the questions so I could give you credit for your efforts.

        Next we took a look at using commas correctly. I gave you a handout to finish and turn in tomorrow.

        The remainder of class was given to you to begin on your homework and ask questions throughout the hour. Remember to prioritize your time with the homework activities listed below.

        Finish the Commas worksheet and complete Unit 2 Vocabulary Syn/Ant by tomorrow
        Read Chapters 4 & 5 and answer all of the questions for To Kill A Mockingbird by Thursday

        Looking Ahead:
        Tomorrow we will be doing a Webquest in class to continue learning about the historical references to To Kill A Mockingbird.

        Friday, September 17, 2010

        9-17 Class

        Today you took a quick, 10 minute quiz on the characters in To Kill A Mockingbird.

        Next we did some group work on writing concise sentences. You all did a fabulous job working in groups and leaning on one another when you had questions or asking me to come over if you could not decide.

        • Read Chapter 3 and finish questions #10, 15, 17, 18, 19, & 20 I WILL BE COLLECTING THE QUESTIONS! MAKE SURE YOUR ANSWERS ARE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES (except for #10, you can just write the definition next to the word). (Although I am not requiring the other questions, it would be a great benefit to you to do them. This will allow you to have a nice comprehensive study guide at the end of the novel.
        • Unit 2 Vocabulary: finish "definitions" and "completing the sentences"

        Thursday, September 16, 2010

        9-16 Class

        Today we read aloud chapter 2 of TKM. I assigned speaking parts; you all did a great job with your parts and with aiding in our class discussion as we read!

        After we finished I gave you a list of things that need to be completed for Monday:
        • Read Chapter 3 and finish questions #10, 15, 17, 18, 19, & 20 (although I am not requiring the other questions, it would be a great benefit to you to do them. This will allow you to have a nice comprehensive study guide at the end of the novel.
        • Unit 2 Vocabulary: finish "definitions" and "completing the sentences"
        Tomorrow you will have a short 12 question quiz matching characters with the correct description.

        Wednesday, September 15, 2010

        9-15 Class

        Today we only had a 30 minute class because of mass. In order to make sure everyone understood the first chapter of TKM, we discussed it the entire hour, including answering your questions from the study guide. I did not collect it for a grade and allowed you to fill in answers you got wrong.

        Tonight's Homework:
        I'm not officially assigning reading tonight. HOWEVER, if you get behind easily or struggle with reading, I encourage you to read ahead! It will help you!

        Tuesday, September 14, 2010

        9-14 Class

        Today you took your first vocabulary test!

        Following the test you received your study guide for the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. You were assigned to read the first chapter and to complete questions #1,2,5,6,7,8 & 9. The other questions are not required, but they will aid you in having a complete set of notes to take for quizzes and tests.

        Finish reading Chapter 1 of TKM and finish the required questions.

        We will discuss the reading and the previous day's extra credit to get the book rolling.

        Sunday, September 12, 2010

        9-13 Class

        Today I gave back a few assignments. If you have any questions, please see me during homeroom. This is my prep time. You can email me to make an appointment to let me know what you would like to discuss and what day. I am also available after school, but please let me know a day ahead of time so I can make sure to set aside time.

        Next we corrected the last of the vocabulary. I went over the structure of the test you will take tomorrow. Remember you will need to know how to spell every word as the first portion of the test is a spelling test. All of the words will be used once in the second portion of the test which will be a combination of synonyms, antonyms, and completing the sentence. If you study and know the definitions, there shouldn't be any surprises.

        Finally we ended class by taking a look at a clip from Dove products. The video made us think about true beauty and how we choose to define it. We also questioned the media and how it changes our self-perceptions. The media changes reality to make PERFECTION.

        Bring your To Kill A Mockingbird Novel novel to class
        Study for Vocab Unit 1 Test

        Extra Credit:
        1) List 5 facts about Harper Lee. (Good, juicy facts ONLY! Not "she is a girl").
        2) What historical era is To Kill A Mockingbird set in? What of historical significance is happening during this time?

        Friday, September 10, 2010

        9-10 Class (FEAR)

        First we corrected last night's assignment. I collected the grammar assignment to grade this weekend.

        Next we discussed FEARS.

        "It's always good to face your fears," is an age old adage (vocabulary word this week). Sometimes when we boil it down, our fears aren't horrible; they can be tackled and tamed.

        We watched a 10 minute clip from "What About Bob?" and discussed the characters and their true fears. As Bob talks with Siggy about his fear of diving he says, "So what is about diving? Break it down for me."

        In your writing assignment I want you to face fear. There are a number of acceptable ways you can do this:
          HOMEWORK Assignment #1: A writing on FEAR

        • OPTION #1: By taking one of my pre-written titles and rolling with it in a short-story format or a personal essay format. Make sure if you are choosing this type of writing you MUST type it and include the proper MLA format in the upper right-hand corner:
        1. ___ (#) steps to conquering ____
        2. I Ain't Afraid of ____
        3. My Fear of _____
        4. or make up your own title and go with it!

        • OPTION #2: Poetry/Creative Approach: Since this approach will probably be "less" writing, make sure it shows SOLID effort and time spent on the assignment.
        1. A 5 senses poem on Fear (Fear smells like..., tastes like..., looks like..., feels like..., sounds like...). This could be a five lined poem or a poem with a number of lines in each stanza.
        2. A "Fear Is" poem. Using a variety of the sentences where each like is a metaphor. Each line begins Fear Is...
        3. A Comic strip with a character battling a fear/coming to a resolution
        4. Acrostic Poem

        HOMEWORK Assignment #2: Finish Vocabulary Unit 1 in workbook

        In addition, you must finish Vocab Unit 1 work (page 26 & 27). All work MUS T BE completed. I will be checking for COMPLETION of UNIT 1 on Monday. Your vocabulary test will be Tuesday.

        You will need to know how to spell all 20 words and know the definitions for all of the words.

        Thursday, September 9, 2010

        9-9 Class

        First we corrected homework from last night.

        We discussed how I grade homework.

        I told you the difference between an EXPOSURE ASSIGNMENT and a MASTERY ASSIGNMENT. Because this was not an assignment to see if you have mastered the information, this was an EXPOSURE ASSIGNMENT. With any exposure assignment these are the things I require
        1. That you do the ENTIRE assignment. Even if you are unsure of an answer, I expect that you at least attempt it.
        2. Correct your work the next day in class with a different color. Be HONEST with your checking ability.
        EXPOSURE grades are not given based on the number right/wrong. EXPOSURE grades are given based upon #1 and #2 above. For example, if you complete the entire assignment. Check your answers and get 4 of the 10 wrong, you will still earn a 10/10 points!!!

        The object of an EXPOSURE grade is simply that---to expose you to the concepts. You cannot be exposed to the material if you do not complete it. And you will never learn from your mistakes unless you attempt to correct them.

        We will discuss Mastery Grades when we get to that type of an assignment.

        Next we discussed Adjective Clauses on page 568-569.

        Page 569 #1-10 answers only
        Page 570 Choose any 5 from the 10 in exercise 3. Write out the entire sentence
        Vocabulary Unit 1 Synonyms and Antonyms

        Wednesday, September 8, 2010

        9-8 Class

        Today we checked and I collected your work on comma splices and fused sentences.

        Next we discussed the vocabulary words for unit 1.

        Finally I gave you a short assignment on subordinate and independent clauses.

        Complete the sentence for vocabulary unit 1. Read pages 564-565 and complete exercise 1 #1-10 answers only (I or S).

        Tuesday, September 7, 2010

        9-7 Class

        Today we found that only 2 of you were missing vocabulary books. Make sure you bring your vocab book tomorrow as we will begin the first unit! Also bring your grammar book.

        Next I told you I graded your friendly letters. Overall, OUTSTANDING JOB! I was quite impressed. I will hand them back either tomorrow or Thursday.

        Finally we discussed a grammatical issue I saw in the majority of the papers I corrected: comma splices and fused sentences. Both of these issues cause run-on situations. I gave a hand-out and lectured on both of these issues.

        Finish both worksheets and hand them in tomorrow. No Late Assignments allowed.

        Thursday, September 2, 2010

        9-2 Class

        Today you turned in your COMPLETE PACKAGE! I am excited to read your "juicy" detailed friendly letters this weekend!

        Next you chose the activity. You watched an inspirational piece about Nick V.

        We discussed "Universal Message/theme" and we all decided it was a lesson that we can all learn from. After watching the video you had to determine the universal message and then write how it related to your life.

        With the time remaining I asked for volunteers to share any of the journal entries this week. I was really impressed by what I heard. You will need to sharpen these "impromptu" writing skills as this is a key assessment on the ACT!

        Have a terrific weekend. You have no homework for the holiday weekend!

        Next week, please bring your vocabulary books and your grammar books!

        Wednesday, September 1, 2010

        9-1 Class

        Today we began class with a very heartwarming story/video about Tara and Bella. Many themes rang true in this video: tolerance, caring for the sick, and trust. You had time to journal about one of these themes including a personal experience that speaks close to your heart.

        Next you had a second editing session. Before we began I told you it "looked like" the editing sessions went well yesterday, but looks can be deceiving. I asked to hear from you some comments you received and if it was in fact benefical to you. You did a very nice job giving feedback. Indeed our editing sessions were successful! NICE WORK!

        The COMPLETE PACKAGE of your Friendly Letter is due TOMORROW 9/2.

        Here are some MUSTS for your COMPLETE PACKAGE:
        • Must use font size 10, 11 or 12 on the typed final draft
        • final draft font styles: times/times new roman, arial, tahoma, calibri: CHOOSE ONE OF THESE!
        • do not double space or use an MLA heading on the Final Draft
        • I want your rough draft(s) as well and they MUST have two signatures somewhere from your editors
        • print out a rubric

        I DO NOT EXCEPT MY PRINTER WOULDN'T PRINT AS AN EXCUSE! Come early (I am here at 7:30 am, save it to a USB, and I will help you out! The LRC is also open early. You also had homeroom and afterschool hours today to utilize a printer. IF....IF IF IF....for some very odd reason, the solutions do not work, PLEASE bring a letter or have your parents send an email to explain the EXTENUATING circumstances.

        Tuesday, August 31, 2010

        8-31 Class

        Today you came in very prepared and ready to complete an editing session.

        We discussed good editing strategies before I split you into groups of two to complete the session.

        You were all so productive, I am giving you about 15 minutes to meet with one other partner tomorrow. In addition, as an author, you will be asked to identify a few grammatical portions of your draft. In order to do this, you will have to recall material from last year---so be ready to put your thinking caps on!

        ---If you have not turned in the front page of your agenda signed, please do tomorrow!

        If you want to get ahead of the game here are a few things that can get you that much closer to turning in your final copy:
        • type your draft
        • print out a copy of the rubric below
        • have a parent/aunt/uncle/grandparent/older sibling read your draft and sign it for proof

        Monday, August 30, 2010

        8-30 Class

        Congratulations! We had perfect attendance today! Keep it up!

        The first thing we did was watch Tamara Lowe's inspirational speech about putting God first in our lives. . In your journal you wrote about the message you personally took from the video. Again, there are no write or wrong answers. We do these mini-journal entries because you will have to develop a skill that allows you to hear/read a prompt and directly following, you must write an essay on said prompt. Think ACT Practice :)

        Next we discussed our first major assignment: the Friendly Letter. Reasons for the assignment: #1: so we are no longer strangers and you can feel more comfortable asking questions and participating in class, #2: understand letter writing and when/why we use informal language, #3 understand the 5 basic parts of a friendly letter, #4 use the 6 traits of writing properly.

        After we read my letter and you got to know more about me, we discussed the 6 traits within my letter. Next, I showed you the rubric and how you will be graded on this assignment.

        This evening, you are to draft your own friendly letter. Please review the rubric below, especially the IDEAS and CONTENT. Make sure your rough draft at least has the mandatory content and 5 parts of a friendly letter.

        Also, review the visual showing the 5 parts of the friendly letter.

        Sunday, August 29, 2010

        Parts of Friendly Letter

        Today we discussed the 5 structural parts and informal tone of a friendly letter. Become familiar with this knowledge as you will surely need it to write your own friendly letter and most likely see it on your mid-term.

        Friendly Letter Rubric

        Friendly Letter Rubric

        ____ /10 Sentence Fluency: Uses diverse sentence structure correctly

        ____ /10 Word Choice: Uses advanced vocabulary appropriately

        ____ /10 Voice: Understands how to use informal language appropriately

        ____ /10 Conventions: has been edited by 2 others for punctuation and grammar

        ____ /10 Ideas and Content: Shares information on the following areas in an interesting way:

        · An opening to the letter, family, hobbies, education, English class

        ____ /10 Organization: information is clearly organized; transitions between ideas make the writing flow well

        ____ /10 Incorporates the 5 parts of a friendly letter and they are clearly labeled

        · Heading, greeting, body, closing, signature

        Total Point: ______/70

        Saturday, August 28, 2010

        8-27 Class

        Today we talked about daily journal entries. While I assigned textbooks you worked on your first entry answering this question:

        What do you think is your academic hurdle(s)? What do you think you can do to overcome it/them?

        Remember all journal entries must be completed thoughtfully. At any time I may ask to see and grade these entries. BE ORGANIZED and complete in your answers.

        Please put your first and last name in your textbook and keep track of it at all times.

        I look forward to getting to know you more next week! Come to Monday's class with paper & pen/pencil. You will not need your textbook or a novel.

        Have a pleasant weekend!